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PSAT Presentations

Note: The following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat pdf files. [Download Acrobat Reader.] Please note that some of these files are very large and may take some time to download.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  • PHEV Battery Requirement - Uncertainty Based on Real World Drive Cycles, December 2008 (430kb pdf)
  • PHEV Modeling and Simulation Activities Overview, November 2008 (6.03MB pdf)
  • PHEV Component Requirements Summary, November 2008 (5.0MB pdf)
  • PHEV Vehicle Level Control Strategies Summary, November 2008 (1.6MB pdf)
  • PHEV Battery Requirement Uncertainties Based on Real World Drive Cycle and Impact of Temperature on Fuel Efficiency, September 2008 (1.54MB pdf)
  • Comparison of Powertrain Configuration for Plug-in HEVs from a Fuel Economy Perspective, April 14, 2008 (367kb pdf)
  • Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy: Comparison between EV and Charge-Depleting Options, April 14, 2008 (497kb pdf)
  • Impact of Drive Cycles on PHEV Component Requirements, April 14, 2008 (717kb pdf)
  • PHEV Control Strategy Assessment and Optimization, February 28, 2008 (592kb pdf)
  • PHEV Component Requirements, February 28, 2008 (781kb pdf)
  • Research on PHEV Battery Requirements and Evaluation of Early Prototypes, May 2007 (1.6Mb pdf)
  • Midsize and SUV Vehicle Simulation Results for Plug-in HEV Component Requirements, April 2007 (713kb pdf)
  • Plug-in Vehicle Control Strategy: From Global Optimization to Real-time Application, October 2006 (1.3Mb pdf)

Hybrid Electric Vehicles

  • Impact of Drive Cycle Aggressiveness and Speed on HEVs Fuel Consumption Sensitivity, April 2007 (737kb pdf)
  • Analyzing the Uncertainty in the Fuel Economy Prediction for the EPA MOVES Binning Methodology, April 2007 (1.2Mb pdf)
  • Fuel Economy Sensitivity to Vehicle Mass, April 2006 (202kb pdf)
  • Trade-Offs Between Fuel Economy and NOx Emissions Using Fuzzy Logic Control With a Hybrid CVT Configuration, October 2002 (1.1Mb pdf)
  • Benefits of Hybridization for Class 2B Trucks, August 2001 ( 622kb pdf)
  • Validation Process of a HEV System Analysis Model: Application to the MY99 Prius, March 2001 (936kb pdf)

Hydrogen Fueled Vehicles

  • Prospects on Fuel Efficiency Improvements for Hydrogen Powered Vehicles, October 2008 (870kb pdf)
  • Impact of Combining Hydrogen ICE with Fuel Cell System Using PSAT, April 2006 (440kb pdf)
  • Fuel Cell Vehicle Fuel Economy Optimization, June 2004 (1.1Mb pdf)
  • Energy Storage System Requirements for Fuel Cell Vehicles, March 2004 (431kb pdf)
  • Dual-Source Energy Storage Potential for Fuel Cell Vehicle Applications, October 2003 (556kb pdf)
  • GCtool – PSAT Linkage, June 2001 (142kb pdf)

Vehicle Validation

  • PHEV Hymotion Prius Model Validation and Control Improvements, December 2007 (1.3Mb pdf)
  • PSAT Validation - Example of Results, September 2007 (1Mb pdf)
  • Integrating Data, Performing Quality Assurance, and Validating the Vehicle Model for the 2004 Prius Using PSAT, April 2006 (8Mb pdf)
  • Honda Insight Validation Using PSAT, August 2001 (640kb pdf)

Fuel Economy Comparison of Advanced Powertrains

  • ANL - DOE Merit Review - Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Study, February 28, 2008 (821kb pdf)

Plug & Play Software Architecture

  • Plug-and-Play Powertrain Architecture - Partnership with GM, February 28, 2008 (672kb pdf)


  • Impact of FreedomCAR Goals on Well-to-Wheel Analysis, April 2005 (97kb pdf)
  • Comparing Apples to Apples: Well-to-Wheel Analysis of Current ICE and Fuel Cell Vehicle Technologies, March 2004 (510kb pdf)

Vehicle Cost

  • Trade-Off between Fuel Economy and Cost for Advanced Vehicle Configurations, April 2005 (219kb pdf)

December 9, 2008

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