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PSAT Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can I run PSAT on Windows 64 bit systems?
A: No. As of now, PSAT has only been validated on 32-bit systems.


Q: When I launch PSAT, I get the warning "USB Key not found."
A: This warning can happen for several reasons. Please check the following:

  • Make sure the USB Key is plugged correctly into the computer. You can try to unplug and plug the key in again. A popup window should appear at the bottom right of the screen saying a USB Device was found and is working correctly. If not, you may need to re-install the USB Key Driver (see below, "How do I re-install the USB Key driver").
  • The USB Key driver may not be installed correctly or is not working properly with your computer. You can install the latest driver from the manufacturer's website (see below, "How do I re-install the USB Key driver").
  • The USB port you are using may be disabled. Please check with your system administrator to enable it.

Q: How do I re-install the USB Key driver?
A: The installer is located in the PSAT CD, under the USB_Driver folder. You can also download the latest driver from Select Sentinel Superpro and then download the driver associated with your system. IMPORTANT: You need to be logged in as an administrator to install the driver.

Q: When I launch PSAT, I get the error, "invalid read Hex Data."
A: This error usually arises when the USB Key data is corrupted. To reset the key, use the PSATKeyUpdate.exe program located on the PSAT install CD in the KeyUpdate folder. Due to security features in Windows, you may have to copy that file, as well as sx32w.dll, into a temporary folder on your local drive before running it. Please, make sure the USB key is plugged into your computer before running the application.

Q: When I launch PSAT, I get the message, "Error: Unable to access key.”
A: This error can have different meanings pending on the number that follows it. When the number is

  • Between 1 and 3, see "How do I re-install the USB Key driver," above.
  • Greater or equal than 4, follow the instructions for "Invalid read Hex Data," above.


Q: MATLAB is installed on my computer, but when I launch PSAT, it says MATLAB is not found.
A: To check for MATLAB, PSAT looks up its location in the Windows registry. That registry may not be up-to-date until you start MATLAB at least once on your computer after installing it. After that, PSAT should start correctly.

Q: I cannot find my MATLAB version in the settings of the PSAT starting screen.
A: PSAT has been developed with MATLAB R2007b. Therefore, any previous versions will not be allowed to run in PSAT.

Q: Why is the version of MATLAB launched by PSAT different than the one I specified in the settings?
A: In some instances, the MATLAB COM object does not register properly for some versions. You will need to re-register them manually. To do so,

  • Open a DOS window by clicking on the "Start" button and select "Run...". Type cmd, and then click on OK.
  • Change the current folder to the <Matlab>\bin\win32 you want to use; for example,
    cd c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2007b\bin\win32
  • Run the command, matlab -regserver. This command should launch a new MATLAB Command Window. You can close it and start PSAT again.


Q: PSAT crashed and the error message says, "COMException: The RPC server is unavailable."
A: This error happens when the MATLAB Command window used by PSAT was closed. This can happen if you inadvertently closed that window, or if a MATLAB script or simulation generated an error such that a segmentation fault or out of memory situation occurred.

Q: PSAT crashed and the error message says, "Win32Exception: Error creating window handle."
A: This error happens when there are too many Windows applications open. Try to reduce the number of open applications while running PSAT.

July 2008

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