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Volume 59(5);  May 1977
Subcellular Localization and Developmental Changes of Aspartate-α-Ketoglutarate Transaminase Isozymes in the Cotyledons of Cucumber Seedlings
Kitty D. F. Liu and Anthony H. C. Huang
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 777–782.
PMCID: PMC543295
Purification and Partial Characterization of a Lectin from Phaseolus vulgaris
Renato De Azevedo Moreira and João Consani Perrone
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 783–787.
PMCID: PMC543296
Sites of Abscisic Acid Synthesis and Metabolism in Ricinus communis L.
Jan A. D. Zeevaart
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 788–791.
PMCID: PMC543297
Evaluation of a Chemical Method for Assay of Helminthosporium maydis Race T Toxin
Olen C. Yoder and Vernon E. Gracen, Jr.
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 792–794.
PMCID: PMC543298
Acclimation of Photosynthetic and Respiratory Carbon Dioxide Exchange to Growth Temperature in Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) Wats.
Robert W. Pearcy
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 795–799.
PMCID: PMC543299
Requirements for Extraction of Polyribosomes from Plant Callus Cultures
James L. White and Harry H. Murakishi
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 800–802.
PMCID: PMC543300
Lipid Crystallization in Senescent Membranes from Cotyledons
Bryan D. McKersie and John E. Thompson
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 803–807.
PMCID: PMC543301
Relations between Light Level, Sucrose Concentration, and Translocation of Carbon 11 in Zea mays Leaves
John H. Troughton, B. G. Currie, and F. H. Chang
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 808–820.
PMCID: PMC543302
Rapid Separation and Quantification of Abscisic Acid from Plant Tissues Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Allan J. Ciha, Mark L. Brenner, and William A. Brun
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 821–826.
PMCID: PMC543303
Nitrogen Metabolism in Soybean Tissue Culture: II. Urea Utilization and Urease Synthesis Require Ni2+
Joseph Carmine Polacco
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 827–830.
PMCID: PMC543304
Biochemical Responses of Pea Root Tissue to Cytokinin: Enhanced Rates of RNA Synthesis
Terry L. Shininger and Lowell D. Polley
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 831–835.
PMCID: PMC543305
Cell-free Synthesis of Globulin by Developing Oat (Avena sativa L.) Seeds
Dawn Sywassink Luthe and David M. Peterson
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 836–841.
PMCID: PMC543306
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from Higher Plant Mitochondria and Proplastids
E. Ellen Reid, Paul Thompson, C. Richard Lyttle, and David T. Dennis
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 842–848.
PMCID: PMC543307
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from Higher Plant Mitochondria and Proplastids: Kinetics
Paul Thompson, E. Ellen Reid, C. Richard Lyttle, and David T. Dennis
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 849–853.
PMCID: PMC543308
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from Higher Plant Mitochondria and Proplastids: Regulation
Paul Thompson, E. Ellen Reid, C. Richard Lyttle, and David T. Dennis
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 854–858.
PMCID: PMC543309
Inhibition of Photosynthesis by Azide and Cyanide and the Role of Oxygen in Photosynthesis
Giorgio Forti and Paolo Gerola
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 859–862.
PMCID: PMC543310
Occurrence of a High Temperature Sensitivity of Chloroplast Ribosome Formation in Several Higher Plants
Jürgen Feierabend and Magdalene Mikus
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 863–867.
PMCID: PMC543311
Effects of Light, Carbon Dioxide, and Temperature on Photosynthesis, Oxygen Inhibition of Photosynthesis, and Transpiration in Solanum tuberosum
Sun-Ben Ku, Gerald E. Edwards, and Champ B. Tanner
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 868–872.
PMCID: PMC543312
Effects of Growth Temperature on the Thermal Stability of the Photosynthetic Apparatus of Atriplex lentiformis (Torr.) Wats.
Robert W. Pearcy, Joseph A. Berry, and David C. Fork
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 873–878.
PMCID: PMC543313
Synthesis and Apparent Turnover of Acid Invertase in Relation to Invertase Inhibitor in Wounded Sweet Potato Root Tissue
Kazunobu Matsushita and Ikuzo Uritani
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 879–883.
PMCID: PMC543314
Effect of Boron on Cell Elongation and Division in Squash Roots
Martin S. Cohen and Robert Lepper, Jr.
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 884–887.
PMCID: PMC543315
Membrane Lipids in Senescing Flower Tissue of Ipomoea tricolor
Peter Beutelmann and Hans Kende
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 888–893.
PMCID: PMC543316
Relationships between Hydroxyproline-containing Proteins Secreted into the Cell Wall and Medium by Suspension-cultured Acer pseudoplatanus Cells
David G. Pope
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 894–900.
PMCID: PMC543317
Phycomyces: Distribution of Growth Velocities in the Growing Zone
R. Igor Gamow and Barbel Bottger
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 901–906.
PMCID: PMC543318
Effects of Ophiobolin A on Ion Leakage and Hexose Uptake by Maize Roots
Carl L. Tipton, Paul V. Paulsen, and Ronald E. Betts
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 907–910.
PMCID: PMC543319
Penetration of Mannitol into the Intracellular Space of Chlorella sorokiniana
Robert L. Heath
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 911–914.
PMCID: PMC543320
Amino Acid Metabolism of Pea Leaves: Diurnal Changes and Amino Acid Synthesis from 15N-Nitrate
Alfred Bauer, Aileen A. Urquhart, and Kenneth W. Joy
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 915–919.
PMCID: PMC543321
Amino Acid Metabolism of Pea Leaves: Labeling Studies on Utilization of Amides
Alfred Bauer, Kenneth W. Joy, and Aileen A. Urquhart
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 920–924.
PMCID: PMC543322
Changes in Potato Tuber Invertase and Its Endogenous Inhibitor After Slicing, Including a Study of Assay Methods
Elmer E. Ewing, Maria Devlin, Deborah A. McNeill, Martha H. McAdoo, and Anne M. Hedges
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 925–929.
PMCID: PMC543323
Inhibition of Proline Oxidation by Water Stress
Cecil R. Stewart, Samuel F. Boggess, Don Aspinall, and Leslie G. Paleg
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 930–932.
PMCID: PMC543324
Effects of Abscisic Acid and of Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient on Water Movement through Excised Sunflower Roots
Zvi Glinka
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 933–935.
PMCID: PMC543326
Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Algae
Nigel D. H. Lloyd, David T. Canvin, and David A. Culver
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 936–940.
PMCID: PMC543328
Characterization of a Membrane Fraction Containing a b-type Cytochrome
Algirdas J. Jesaitis, Patricia R. Heners, Rainer Hertel, and Winslow R. Briggs
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 941–947.
PMCID: PMC543330
Blue light-induced Absorbance Changes in Membrane Fractions from Corn and Neurospora
Robert D. Brain, John A. Freeberg, Charles V. Weiss, and Winslow R. Briggs
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 948–952.
PMCID: PMC543332
Sugar Selectivity and Other Characteristics of Phloem Loading in Beta vulgaris L.
Bernadette R. Fondy and Donald R. Geiger
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 953–960.
PMCID: PMC543334
Role of Petiole in Protein Metabolism of Senescing Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaves
Surya Deo Mishra and Bhagwan Krishan Gaur
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 961–964.
PMCID: PMC543336
Cold Shock Syndrome in Anacystis nidulans
V. Siva K. Rao, Jerry J. Brand, and Jack Myers
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 965–969.
PMCID: PMC543338
Spectral Changes in Anacystis nidulans Induced by Chilling
Jerry J. Brand
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 970–973.
PMCID: PMC543340
Isolation and Function of Allophycocyanin B of Porphyridium cruentum
Arthur C. Ley, Warren L. Butler, Donald A. Bryant, and Alexander N. Glazer
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 974–980.
PMCID: PMC543342
Effect of Light and Chilling Temperatures on Chilling-sensitive and Chilling-resistant Plants. Pretreatment of Cucumber and Spinach Thylakoids in Vivo and in Vitro
Melvin P. Garber
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 981–985.
PMCID: PMC543344
Oxygen Inhibition of Photosynthesis: I. Temperature Dependence and Relation to O2/CO2 Solubility Ratio
Sun-Ben Ku and Gerald E. Edwards
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 986–990.
PMCID: PMC543346
Oxygen Inhibition of Photosynthesis: II. Kinetic Characteristics as Affected by Temperature
Sun-Ben Ku and Gerald E. Edwards
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 991–999.
PMCID: PMC543348
Auxin Has No Effect on Modification of External pH by Soybean Hypocotyl Cells
Larry N. Vanderhoef, Janice S. Findley, John J. Burke, and Wayne E. Blizzard
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 1000–1003.
PMCID: PMC543350
Comparison of Auxin-induced and Acid-induced Elongation in Soybean Hypocotyl
Larry N. Vanderhoef, Tse-Yuan Shen Lu, and Cynthia A. Williams
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 1004–1007.
PMCID: PMC543352
Chemical Composition and Ultrastructure of Suberin from Hollow Heart Tissue of Potato Tubers (Solanum tuberosum)
Bill B. Dean, P. E. Kolattukudy, and Ronald W. Davis
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 1008–1010.
PMCID: PMC543354
Chloroplast Glutathione Reductase
Michail Schaedle and James A. Bassham
Plant Physiol. 1977 May; 59(5): 1011–1012.
PMCID: PMC543356
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