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Volume 75(3);  July 1984
Aspartate Carbamyltransferase : Site of End-Product Inhibition of the Orotate Pathway in Intact Cells of Cucurbita pepo
Carol J. Lovatt and Anne H. Cheng
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 511–515.
PMCID: PMC1066945
Glycolate Metabolism Is Under Nitrogen Control in Chlorella
Rob F. Beudeker and F. Robert Tabita
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 516–520.
PMCID: PMC1066946
Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Isozymes of Maize Leaves : Some Comparative Properties
Vincenzo Valenti, Maria A. Stanghellini, and Paolo Pupillo
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 521–526.
PMCID: PMC1066947
Utilization of the Amide Groups of Asparagine and 2-Hydroxysuccinamic Acid by Young Pea Leaves
Trung Chanh Ta, Kenneth W. Joy, and Robert J. Ireland
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 527–530.
PMCID: PMC1066948
Enzymes of β-Oxidation in Different Types of Algal Microbodies
Helmut Stabenau, U. Winkler, and W. Säftel
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 531–533.
PMCID: PMC1066949
Tunicamycin Prevents Cellulose Microfibril Formation in Oocystis solitaria
Hartmut Quader
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 534–538.
PMCID: PMC1066950
Light-Induced Nuclear Synthesis of Spinach Chloroplast Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
Ana Chueca, Juan José Lázaro, and Julio López Gorgé
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 539–541.
PMCID: PMC1066951
Measurement of Subcellular Metabolite Levels in Leaves by Fractionation of Freeze-Stopped Material in Nonaqueous Media
Richard Gerhardt and Hans W. Heldt
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 542–547.
PMCID: PMC1066952
Control of Photosynthetic Sucrose Synthesis by Fructose 2,6-Bisphosphate : I. Coordination of CO2 Fixation and Sucrose Synthesis
Mark Stitt, Bernd Herzog, and Hans W. Heldt
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 548–553.
PMCID: PMC1066953
Control of Photosynthetic Sucrose Synthesis by Fructose 2,6-Bisphosphate : II. Partitioning between Sucrose and Starch
Mark Stitt, Birgit Kürzel, and Hans W. Heldt
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 554–560.
PMCID: PMC1066954
Control of Photosynthetic Sucrose Synthesis by Fructose 2,6-Bisphosphate : III. Properties of the Cytosolic Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase
Bernd Herzog, Mark Stitt, and Hans W. Heldt
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 561–565.
PMCID: PMC1066955
Control of Lactate Dehydrogenase, Lactate Glycolysis, and α-Amylase by O2 Deficit in Barley Aleurone Layers
Andrew D. Hanson and John V. Jacobsen
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 566–572.
PMCID: PMC1066956
Regulated Expression of Three Alcohol Dehydrogenase Genes in Barley Aleurone Layers
Andrew D. Hanson, John V. Jacobsen, and John A. Zwar
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 573–581.
PMCID: PMC1066957
A Highly Sensitive, Flow Through H2 Gas Analyzer for Use in Nitrogen Fixation Studies
David B. Layzell, Glenn E. Weagle, and David T. Canvin
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 582–585.
PMCID: PMC1066958
Effects of Vanadate on the Plasma Membrane ATPase of Red Beet and Corn
Sharman D. O'Neill and Roger M. Spanswick
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 586–591.
PMCID: PMC1066959
Isolation and Identification of the Phenols of Paul's Scarlet Rose Stems and Stem-Derived Suspension Cultures
Michael J. Muhitch and John S. Fletcher
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 592–595.
PMCID: PMC1066960
Pea Xyloglucan and Cellulose : I. Macromolecular Organization
Takahisa Hayashi and Gordon Maclachlan
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 596–604.
PMCID: PMC1066961
Pea Xyloglucan and Cellulose : II. Hydrolysis by Pea Endo-1,4-β-Glucanases
Takahisa Hayashi, Yuk-Shan Wong, and Gordon Maclachlan
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 605–610.
PMCID: PMC1066962
Solubilization and Reconstitution of Pisatin Demethylase, a Cytochrome P-450 from the Pathogenic Fungus Nectria haematococca
Anne E. Desjardins, David E. Matthews, and Hans D. Vanetten
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 611–616.
PMCID: PMC1066963
Reserve Carbohydrate in Maize Stem : [14C]Glucose and [14C]Sucrose Uptake Characteristics
Tim Lloyd Setter and Victoria H. Meller
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 617–622.
PMCID: PMC1066964
Dependency of Nitrate Reduction on Soluble Carbohydrates in Primary Leaves of Barley under Aerobic Conditions
Muhammad Aslam and Ray C. Huffaker
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 623–628.
PMCID: PMC1066965
A Transmissible Plant Shoot Factor Promotes Uptake Hydrogenase Activity in Rhizobium Symbionts
Eulogio J. Bedmar and Donald A. Phillips
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 629–633.
PMCID: PMC1066966
Genetic Regulation of Flowering in Grafts on Pisum sativum L.
William M. Proebsting
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 634–638.
PMCID: PMC1066967
Heat Shock Proteins in Tobacco Cell Suspension during Growth Cycle
Jan Kanabus, Craig S. Pikaard, and Joe H. Cherry
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 639–644.
PMCID: PMC1066968
Kinetic Variance of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Isolated from Diverse Taxonomic Sources : II. Analysis by Two Dual Label Methods
Samuel Sherrill Kent and Michael John Tomany
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 645–650.
PMCID: PMC1066969
Influence of Sulfur Nutrition on Developmental Patterns of Some Major Pea Seed Proteins and Their mRNAs
Peter M. Chandler, Donald Spencer, Peter J. Randall, and Thomas J. V. Higgins
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 651–657.
PMCID: PMC1066970
Resolution and Reconstitution of Mg-Protoporphyrin IX Monomethyl Ester (Oxidative) Cyclase, the Enzyme System Responsible for the Formation of the Chlorophyll Isocyclic Ring
Yum-Shing Wong and Paul A. Castelfranco
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 658–661.
PMCID: PMC1066971
Localization of Mg-Chelatase and Mg-Protoporphyrin IX Monomethyl Ester (Oxidative) Cyclase Activities within Isolated, Developing Cucumber Chloroplasts
Thomas P. Fuesler, Yum-Shing Wong, and Paul A. Castelfranco
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 662–664.
PMCID: PMC1066972
Partitioning of Nitrogen among Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase, Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase, and Pyruvate Orthophosphate Dikinase as Related to Biomass Productivity in Maize Seedlings
Tatsuo Sugiyama, Masuhiko Mizuno, and Masanori Hayashi
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 665–669.
PMCID: PMC1066973
Purification of Peroxisomes and Mitochondria from Spinach Leaf by Percoll Gradient Centrifugation
Jean-Paul Schwitzguebel and Paul-André Siegenthaler
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 670–674.
PMCID: PMC1066974
Thermolysin Is a Suitable Protease for Probing the Surface of Intact Pea Chloroplasts
Kenneth Cline, Margaret Werner-Washburne, Jaen Andrews, and Kenneth Keegstra
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 675–678.
PMCID: PMC1066975
Physiological Studies on Pea Tendrils : XIV. Effects of Mechanical Perturbation, Light, and 2-Deoxy-d-Glucose on Callose Deposition and Tendril Coiling
Terrence E. Riehl and Mordecai J. Jaffe
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 679–687.
PMCID: PMC1066976
Photosynthesis in Encelia farinosa Gray in Response to Decreasing Leaf Water Potential
James R. Ehleringer and Craig S. Cook
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 688–693.
PMCID: PMC1066977
Relationships between Respiration Rate and Adenylate and Carbohydrate Pools of the Soybean Fruit
Gary M. Fader and H. Ronald Koller
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 694–699.
PMCID: PMC1066978
In Vitro Fatty Acid Synthesis and Complex Lipid Metabolism in the Cyanobacterium, Anabaena Variabilis: II. Acyl Transfer and Complex Lipid Formation
Nora W. Lem and Paul K. Stumpf
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 700–704.
PMCID: PMC1066979
Purification of Hydrogenase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Paul G. Roessler and Stephen Lien
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 705–709.
PMCID: PMC1066980
Secretion of α-Amylase by the Aleurone Layer and the Scutellum of Germinating Barley Grain
Harri Ranki and Tuomas Sopanen
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 710–715.
PMCID: PMC1066981
Suberin Production by Isolated Tomato Fruit Protoplasts
Gonella S. R. L. Rao, J. H. Martin Willison, and W. M. Nimal Ratnayake
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 716–719.
PMCID: PMC1066982
Freezing Characteristics of Cultured Catharanthus roseus (L). G. Don Cells Treated with Dimethylsulfoxide and Sorbitol in Relation to Cryopreservation
Tony H. H. Chen, Kutty K. Kartha, Friedrich Constabel, and Lawrence V. Gusta
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 720–725.
PMCID: PMC1066983
Cryopreservation of Alkaloid-Producing Cell Cultures of Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)
Tony H. H. Chen, Kutty K. Kartha, Nicholas L. Leung, Wolfgang G. W. Kurz, Kenneth B. Chatson, and Friedrich Constabel
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 726–731.
PMCID: PMC1066984
Novel Phycoerythrins in Marine Synechococcus spp. : Characterization and Evolutionary and Ecological Implications
Randall S. Alberte, A. Michelle Wood, Thomas A. Kursar, and Robert R. L. Guillard
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 732–739.
PMCID: PMC1066985
Enzymic Dissociation of Zea Shoot Cell Wall Polysaccharides : I. Preliminary Characterization of the Water-Insoluble Fraction of Zea Shoot Cell Walls
Yoji Kato and Donald J. Nevins
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 740–744.
PMCID: PMC1066986
Enzymic Dissociation of Zea Shoot Cell Wall Polysaccharides : II. Dissociation of (1 → 3),(1 → 4)-β-d-Glucan by Purified (1 → 3),(1 → 4)-β-d-Glucan 4-Glucanohydrolase from Bacillus subtilis
Yoji Kato and Donald J. Nevins
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 745–752.
PMCID: PMC1066987
Enzymic Dissociation of Zea Shoot Cell Wall Polysaccharides : III. Purification and Partial Characterization of an Endo-(1 → 4)-β-d-Xylanase from a Bacillus subtilis Enzyme Preparation
Yoji Kato and Donald J. Nevins
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 753–758.
PMCID: PMC1066988
Enzymic Dissociation of Zea Shoot Cell Wall Polysaccharides : IV. Dissociation of Glucuronoarabinoxylan by Purified Endo-(1 → 4)-β-Xylanase from Bacillus subtilis
Yoji Kato and Donald J. Nevins
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 759–765.
PMCID: PMC1066989
Theoretical and Experimental Errors for In Situ Measurements of Plant Water Potential
Kenneth A. Shackel
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 766–772.
PMCID: PMC1066990
Stimulation of Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake by Light during Growth of Corn Shoots
Tomoyuki Yamaya, Ann Oaks, and Hideaki Matsumoto
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 773–777.
PMCID: PMC1066991
Heat Stress Responses in Cultured Plant Cells : Heat Tolerance Induced by Heat Shock versus Elevated Growing Temperature
Min-Tze Wu and Stephen J. Wallner
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 778–780.
PMCID: PMC1066992
Synthesis and Turnover of the Chloroplast Coupling Factor 1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardi
Sabeeha Merchant and Bruce R. Selman
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 781–787.
PMCID: PMC1066993
Structural Characterization of a Higher Plant Calmodulin : Spinacia Oleracea
Thomas J. Lukas, David B. Iverson, Michael Schleicher, and D. Martin Watterson
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 788–795.
PMCID: PMC1066994
Comparison of the NAD Kinase and Myosin Light Chain Kinase Activator Properties of Vertebrate, Higher Plant, and Algal Calmodulins
Daniel M. Roberts, Wilson H. Burgess, and D. Martin Watterson
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 796–798.
PMCID: PMC1066995
Influence of Applied NaCl on Crassulacean Acid Metabolism and Ionic Levels in a Cactus, Cereus validus
Park S. Nobel, Ulrich Lüttge, Sabine Heuer, and Erika Ball
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 799–803.
PMCID: PMC1066996
Day-Night Variations in Malate Concentration, Osmotic Pressure, and Hydrostatic Pressure in Cereus validus
Ulrich Lüttge and Park S. Nobel
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 804–807.
PMCID: PMC1066997
Elongation of the First Internode of the Pea Seedling during Etiolation : Interaction of Environment and Genotype
Constance Nozzolillo and Sylvie Seguin
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 808–812.
PMCID: PMC1066998
Inhibition and Stimulation of Root Respiration in Pisum and Plantago by Hydroxamate : Its Consequences for the Assessment of Alternative Path Activity
Ries de Visser and Tjeerd Blacquière
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 813–817.
PMCID: PMC1066999
Involvement of Plasma Membrane Alterations in Cold Acclimation of Winter Rye Seedlings (Secale cereale L. cv Puma)
Matsuo Uemura and Shizuo Yoshida
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 818–826.
PMCID: PMC1067000
Site of Action of Chlorsulfuron: Inhibition of Valine and Isoleucine Biosynthesis in Plants
Thomas B. Ray
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 827–831.
PMCID: PMC1067001
Optimal Conditions for Translation by Thylakoid-Bound Polysomes from Pea Chloroplasts
Devaki Bhaya and Andre T. Jagendorf
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 832–838.
PMCID: PMC1067002
Glyphosate Inhibition of 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate 3-Phosphate Synthase from Suspension-Cultured Cells of Nicotiana silvestris
Judith L. Rubin, C. Greg Gaines, and Roy A. Jensen
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 839–845.
PMCID: PMC1067003
Is Modulation of the Rate of Proton Pumping a Key Event in Osmoregulation?
Leonora Reinhold, Aza Seiden, and Micha Volokita
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 846–849.
PMCID: PMC1067004
Kinetics of Accumulation of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase during Greening in Euglena gracilis: Photoregulation
Georges Freyssinet, Richard L. Eichholz, and Dennis E. Buetow
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 850–857.
PMCID: PMC1067005
Kinetics of Accumulation of Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase during Greening in Euglena gracilis: Nutritional Regulation
Georges Freyssinet, Martine Freyssinet, and Dennis E. Buetow
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 858–861.
PMCID: PMC1067006
Measurement of the Pyrophosphate Content of Plant Tissues
Douglas A. Smyth and Clanton C. Black, Jr.
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 862–864.
PMCID: PMC1067007
Analysis of the Complexity and Diversity of mRNAs from Pollen and Shoots of Tradescantia
R. Paul Willing and Joseph P. Mascarenhas
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 865–868.
PMCID: PMC1067008
Leakage of Dhurrin and p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde from Young Sorghum Shoots Immersed in Various Solvents
Francis A. Haskins and H. J. Gorz
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 869–872.
PMCID: PMC1067009
Sulfate Assimilation in C4 Plants: Intercellular and Intracellular Location of ATP Sulfurylase, Cysteine Synthase, and Cystathionine β-Lyase in Maize Leaves
James N. Burnell
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 873–875.
PMCID: PMC1067010
A Comparative Study of CN-Resistant Respiration in Different Cultures of Tobacco Callus
Hou-Guo Liang and Chung-Shu Lü
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 876–878.
PMCID: PMC1067011
Mefluidide Protection of Severely Chilled Crop Plants
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 879.
PMCID: PMC1067012
Corrects: Menq-Jiau Tseng, et al. Mefluidide Protection of Severely Chilled Crop Plants . Plant Physiol. 1984 May; 75(1): 249–250.
Enhancement by Ethylene of Cellulysin-Induced Ethylene Production by Tobacco Leaf Discs
Plant Physiol. 1984 July; 75(3): 879.
PMCID: PMC1067013
Corrects: Edo Chalutz, et al. Enhancement by Ethylene of Cellulysin-Induced Ethylene Production by Tobacco Leaf Discs . Plant Physiol. 1984 January; 74(1): 99–103.
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