NCSS Conference Registration Scholarships for First-Time Attendees

NCSS is pleased this year to offer a limited number of conference registration scholarships to teachers who have never been able to attend its annual meetings in the past for lack of financial support. All teachers from Georgia who meet the qualifications are eligible to apply.

NCSS Board Election Results Are In!

picture_sue2007.jpgSue Blanchette, US. history teacher at Hillcrest High School in Dallas Texas was elected vice-president of NCSS. As vice president, Blanchette is in line to assume the NCSS presidency July 2011.  read more »

April is National Poetry Month

Syd_4-13-08_0_0.jpgApril is National Poetry Month, but not to worry. It's the English teachers' inning, right?  read more »

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NCSS Position Statement on Media Literacy

This position statement focuses on the critical role of media literacy in the social studies curriculum. The statement addresses the following questions. First, why and how has media literacy taken on a significantly more important role in preparing citizens for democratic life? Second, how is media literacy defined, and what are some of its essential concepts?  read more »

President's Blog; The University and the Classroom

mYell.jpg Social studies excellence occurs when every student, k-12, has equal access to deep, engaging, thoughtful social studies instruction on a daily basis. Important among the factors that go into achieving this excellence in instruction is that the bridge between research and practice remain strong and vibrant.  read more »

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