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In 2003, BP and DuPont created a partnership to develop advanced biofuels that provide improved options for expanding energy supplies and accelerate the move to renewable transportation fuels that can lower overall greenhouse gas emissions. Their first projected product, which was supposed to be introduced to the market at the end of 2007, was biobutanol.

However, the new U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard has made it a requirement to increase the production of ethanol and advanced biofuels to 36 billion gallons by 2022. Ethanol will be capped at 15 billion gallons, which leaves 21 billion gallons to come from other sources, such as butanol.

In light of these developments, Argonne is conducting more detailed research on the effects of butanol as a blending agent, as well as a neat fuel. Some of the most important questions regard the impact on emissions behavior (with special emphasis on currently non-regulated emissions) and fuel economy. Butanol might also allow blend-specific engine designs or extend the usable range of special combustion regimes.

May 2008

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Thomas Wallner

Scott Miers

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
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