Title: What VOCA Administrators Need to Know About SVAAs Series: Flier Author: Office for Victims of Crime Published: October 2003 Subject: state victim assistance academy, technical assistance, skills-based training, funding 2 pages 3,065 bytes ---------------------------- Graphics are not available in this ASCII plain-text file. To view this document in its entirety, download the Adobe Acrobat graphic file available from this Web site. ---------------------------- What VOCA Administrators Need to Know About SVAAs The commitment: OVC encourages the development of State Victim Assistance Academies (SVAAs) throughout the country and has committed discretionary funds ($195,000 per state) for this important effort. OVC also has developed a specialized training and technical assistance capability through the OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) to assist states in planning, implementing, delivering, and evaluating SVAAs. To date, OVC has committed more than $2 million in grant funds toward establishing SVAAs in 14 states. Note: this does not include additional funds set aside for curriculum development and review assistance for these grantees via OVC TTAC. The purpose of an SVAA: To support state efforts to provide comprehensive, academically based, fundamental education and skills-based training for victim assistance providers and allied professionals who routinely deal with victims of crime. ---------------------------- States already funded via OVC to establish SVAAs West (4) o Arizona o Colorado o Oregon o Utah Central (4) o Illinois o Michigan o Missouri o Texas East (6) o Connecticut o Georgia o Maryland o Maine o New York o Pennsylvania ---------------------------- The important role VOCA administrators play in SVAAs: Victim compensation and assistance administrators are key stakeholders in this important OVC initiative. As such, OVC requires grant applicants to obtain commitments of support from them for establishing a state academy before OVC considers the applications eligible for funding. The use of VOCA training and administrative funds for SVAAs: VOCA victim assistance training and administrative dollars may be used to help establish and continue SVAAs. Note: VOCA funds cannot be used as a match (25 percent in-kind) for this grant program. The impact that SVAAs can have on victim services: If properly planned and executed, SVAAs should improve the skills and knowledge of victim advocates and allied professionals who come into contact with victims of crime, improve the practice of victim services, and integrate on a more permanent basis information about victimology, victim services, and victims' rights into course offerings at institutions of higher learning. To learn more about this ongoing OVC initiative or to receive technical assistance in starting an academy from OVC TTAC, please go to OVC's Web site and click on www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/svaa.htm or call OVC TTAC at 1-866-OVC-TTAC.