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Assessment of Cultural and Socio-Economic Resources


Public lands preserve a wealth of historic structures, archaeological sites, and traditional cultural properties that form an important part of our shared cultural heritage. Government agencies and other organizations administering these public lands act as stewards responsible for managing these resources for future generations. EVS assists DOE and other Federal agencies in carrying out their responsibilities to inventory and evaluate cultural resources, and to evaluate and mitigate the effects of federal actions on those resources.

EVS has a wide range of related experience that includes development of cultural resource management plans for DOE and DOD facilities in the US and at DOD installations overseas. These plans integrate cultural resource management into facility operations and take into account the full range of cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic archaeological remains, historic structures, and traditional properties significant to native cultures.

EVS staff have developed computer applications to address resource management and compliance problems for large tracts of land. These include predictive modeling, impact modeling, and geographic information system applications. They have also designed and executed archaeological surveys for DOE and DOD facilities related to the Cold War, both to meet inventory requirements and to evaluate the effects of planned undertakings such as, remedial actions, property transfer, and construction. They have developed and executed procedures for keeping facilities in compliance with statutory stewardship requirements.


Staff Photo  Bruce Verhaaren

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of Energy
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