Plastics Division

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The Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) represents leading manufacturers of plastic resins.  We may not think about them often, but versatile plastics inspire countless innovations that help make life better, healthier and safer every day.

For example, plastics make possible bicycle helmets and child safety seats.  They’re in the airbags that protect us and the cell phones that connect us.  And plastics help keep the foods we eat and serve our families safer and fresher than ever before.  

Because these materials often allow us to do more with less, plastics can contribute to a more efficient use of resources.  These are just some of the ways plastics are helping to create a better planet and a safer world.

Find out more about ACC’s Plastics Division:

Business Groups:

Progressive Bag Affiliates
The Progressive Bag Affiliates (PBA) creates positive change in our communities by promoting the increased recycling of plastic bags as well as their proper use, reuse and disposal. We recognize that more can be done to address environmental concerns. We work to create solutions to reduce the number of plastic bags that end up in our landfills and, sometimes, as litter. Together with policy makers, businesses and community members, PBA is dedicated to implementing new ideas and improving existing programs that make a difference.

Center for the Polyurethanes Industry
The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) promotes the sustainable growth of the polyurethane industry, in accordance with the principles of Responsible Care®, by identifying and managing issues that could impact the industry, in cooperation with user groups. Its members are U.S. producers or distributors of chemicals and equipment used to make polyurethane or are manufacturers of polyurethane products.

Plastics Foodservice Packaging Group
The Plastics Foodservice Packaging Group (PFPG) has been creating and implementing programs designed to educate the public about the importance and benefits of polystyrene and plastics food packaging. A business group of American Chemistry Council, PFPG members are major resin suppliers as well as manufacturers of polystyrene and plastics foodservice products.EPS Resin Suppliers Group

The EPS (Expandable Polystyrene) Resin Suppliers Group (ERSG) represents suppliers of expandable polystyrene resin used primarily in packaging, insulation, and building and construction applications.  Co-located and co-managed with the Plastics Foodservice Packaging Group (PFPG), the ERSG was created to promote and defend the marketability of expandable polystyrene (EPS) resins.  ERSG works to protect EPS resin supplier markets by serving as a forum to address issues of importance to the industry; by identifying new EPS market opportunities; and serving as a catalyst to promote new EPS resin applications.

Polycarbonate/BPA Global Group
The Polycarbonate/BPA Global Group promotes the business interests and general welfare of the polycarbonate and bisphenol A (BPA) industry through relevant technical, communications, and public policy activities. The membership consists of most of the major manufacturers of polycarbonate plastic and BPA worldwide.

Rigid Plastic Packaging Group
The Rigid Plastic Packaging Group promotes and protect the interests of the rigid plastic packaging industry in matters of industry wide significance.  Focused on thermoforming and injection molding plastic package processors, RPPG’s membership also includes resin and non-resin suppliers, as well as machinery/mold suppliers.

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