                     |                                                                                |
                     |      PUBLIC NOTIFICATION:  Mail-out of the Southwest Statistical Summary       |
                     |    has been discontinued; see www.bls.gov/ro6/home.htm#notices for details.    |

                                      CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - FOR ALL URBAN CONSUMERS (CPI-U)
                                        U.S. CITY AVERAGE, DALLAS-FORT WORTH, AND HOUSTON
   (1982-84=100)                                           FEBRUARY 2009
 |                                      |                         |                         |         Houston-        |
 |                                      |    U.S. City Average    |    Dallas-Fort Worth    |    Galveston-Brazoria   |
 |                                      |                         |                         |                         |
 |                                      |          Percent Change:|          Percent Change:|          Percent Change:|
 |                                      |            12-      1-  |            12-      1-  |            12-      2-  |
 | INDEX ITEMS                          | Index     month   month | Index     month   month | Index     month   month |
 | All Items                            | 212.193     0.2     0.5 |                         | 187.972     0.2     1.1 |
 |                                      |                         |                         |                         |
 |  Food and beverages                  | 219.333     4.7    -0.2 |                         | 202.044     5.3     0.2 |
 |   Food                               | 219.205     4.8    -0.2 |                         | 201.221     5.3     0.0 |
 |    Food at home                      | 218.389     4.8    -0.6 | 203.703     5.1     0.4 | 204.169     4.8    -0.5 |
 |    Food away from home               | 221.968     4.8     0.3 |                         | 193.406     5.9     0.5 |
 |   Alcoholic beverages                | 219.682     3.6     0.3 |                         | 205.432     5.2     2.2 |
 |  Housing                             | 217.180     1.9     0.1 |                         | 183.922     6.1     1.0 |
 |   Shelter                            | 248.878     1.7     0.2 | 189.816     3.7    -0.2 | 201.795     4.1     1.4 |
 |    Rent of primary residence 1/      | 248.305     3.3     0.1 | 188.947     4.8     0.1 | 188.192     3.9     0.5 |
 |    Owners' equivalent rent 1/2/      | 255.779     2.1     0.1 | 202.437     4.3     0.1 | 185.420     6.0     1.0 |
 |   Fuels and utilities                | 213.520     3.8    -0.8 |                         | 209.258    15.5    -0.4 |
 |    Gas (piped) and electricity 1/    | 197.886     5.6    -1.0 | 226.122     5.2    -4.8 | 205.787    19.1    -0.3 |
 |     Electricity 1/                   | 190.645     9.2     0.1 | 220.894     9.0    -3.2 | 205.966    22.5     1.3 |
 |     Utility (piped) gas service 1/   | 218.459    -3.3    -3.8 | 189.203   -19.6   -16.6 | 194.873     1.0    -9.4 |
 |   Household furnishings & operations | 129.170     1.9     0.3 |                         | 128.410     6.6     0.5 |
 |  Apparel                             | 118.825     0.8     3.5 |                         | 136.712    -6.8    -2.5 |
 |  Transportation                      | 169.542   -11.0     1.7 |                         | 147.737   -15.2     3.6 |
 |   Private transportation             | 164.871   -11.6     1.9 |                         | 146.120   -15.7     4.3 |
 |    Motor Fuel                        | 167.395   -35.4     6.9 | 165.692   -37.4     7.8 | 161.166   -36.8    13.9 |
 |     Gasoline                         | 166.118   -35.6     7.5 | 164.538   -37.6     8.3 | 160.015   -36.9    16.5 |
 |  Medical care                        | 372.405     2.8     0.7 |                         | 350.775     5.7     2.7 |
 |  Recreation 3/                       | 114.461     1.9     0.6 |                         | 107.675    -1.6    -0.4 |
 |  Education & communication 3/        | 126.190     3.6     0.0 |                         | 110.803     2.4    -0.4 |
 |  Other goods and services            | 351.223     3.2     0.3 |                         | 307.548     4.4     0.7 |
 |                                      |                         |                         |                         |
 |         Special indexes              |                         |                         |                         |
 | Energy                               | 178.741   -18.5     2.4 | 197.998   -17.8     0.0 | 182.944   -14.2     5.4 |
 | All items less shelter               | 200.184    -0.5     0.6 |                         | 182.703    -1.2     1.0 |
 | All items less food and energy       | 217.685     1.8     0.4 |                         | 189.151     1.5     0.8 |
 | All items (1967=100)                 | 635.637                 |                         | 602.894                 | 
 |     CPI FOR URBAN WAGE EARNERS       |                         |                         |                         |
 |    AND CLERICAL WORKERS (CPI-W)      |                         |                         |                         |
 | All Items                            | 206.708    -0.3     0.5 |                         |185.015     -0.5     1.1 |
 | All Items (1967=100)                 | 615.719                 |                         |590.485                  |
   1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series converted
      to a geometric means estimator in January 1999.
   2/ Full series title is "owners' equivalent rent of primary residence"; index base is December 1982=100.
   3/ Indexes on a December 1997 = 100 base.

   Note 1: Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston-Galveston-Brazoria are Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas.
   Note 2:The food at home, energy, and shelter sub-component indexes are compiled monthly for Dallas-Fort Worth
   and Houston.  Full surveys, which produce the All Items Indexes and major components, are conducted every two
   months.  Full surveys are published for the odd-numbered months for Dallas and for the even-numbered months
   for Houston.

   Last updated: March 18, 2009


Last Modified Date: April 15, 2009