Tissue Scaffold Regrows Cartilage and Bone...

Plastic Cells Open Window to Solar Energy Future...

Conductive Film Designed to Replace ITO...

DOE Issues Requests for Scholarship Applications...

Running on Empty: Fuel Supply Dwindles for Deep Space ...

U.S. Loses Edge in Simulation Superiority...

2009 Short-Range Outlook for Steel Released...

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New on Materials Technology@TMS
Job search tips for new graduates, e-waste management, and more. . .
Posted on: 5/6/2009... Check out the following new Spotlight feature articles posted for May on Materials Technology@TMS:

Established Materials Technology Community: Find out about the new directions and developments for one of the most anticipated meetings of the coming year in “Quality through Collaboration Defines Lead-Zinc 2010.”

Materials Education Community: “Engineering Grads Squeeze into a Tight Job Market” offers practical tips and tactics for successful career development from TMS members and TMS’s own human resources expert.

Materials and Society Community: Oladele A. Ogunseitan, organizer of the “Green Materials and Processes for Managing Electronic Waste” workshop at the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting, shares his perspectives on the interdisciplinary strategies needed for effective e-waste management on an international scale in “Putting Together the E-Waste Puzzle.”

Emerging Materials Technology Community: “Toward a Virtual Platform for Materials Processing” excerpts an article by G.J. Schmitz and U. Prahl published as part of the May JOM’s technical emphasis on process optimization and modeling.

While reviewing these new articles, make sure you take advantage of the other resources Materials Technology@TMS has to offer, including materials news stories updated on a daily basis and opportunities for online resource sharing with other materials scientists and engineers from throughout the world.

Join a TMS Technical Division Committee
All Members Welcome
Posted on: 5/6/2009... One of the most beneficial aspects of a TMS membership is the ability to meet and network with people from around the world who work in your field or expertise. And one of the best ways of doing this is to join a TMS committee.

TMS offers 40 committees throughout five technical divisions that allow members from all areas of materials science and engineering to find a technical home within the Society. To find a committee that most closely relates to your interest visit the TMS Technical Divisions homepage. Once there you can navigate through each of the technical divisions and committees associated with each. When you find a committee you would like to serve on, contact the chair to learn how you can participate in upcoming activities.

For more information on each of the TMS Technical Division committees, visit the TMS Technical Division homepage.
... TMS Technical Divisions

JOM is Live
Process Optimization and Modeling
Posted on: 5/4/2009... The May issue of JOM is now on-line. In this issue, the journal focuses on the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition in San Francisco. The News & Update section not only provides a wrap-up of the conference but also a visual overview of the technical sessions, networking events, lecture series, competitions, and events that took place throughout the week. In addition, plans for TMS 2010 are announced.

In the “Meet a Member” section of the journal, readers can learn about Society member Eric Nyberg and how his switch from rifle hunting to archery earned him two places in the record books.

The complete issue of JOM can be accessed on-line in PDF format by all TMS members by clicking on the JOM link on the top-left side of the TMS homepage. This month’s issue features the free on-line article, “Bringing Down the House: Science is Explosive Topic on Discovery Channel Series,” by Lynne Robinson, which can be viewed by all web users. This article can also be found by clicking on the JOM link on the top-left side of the TMS homepage.
... May JOM

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Latest Postings  

These are the latest discussion threads opened at Discussions@TMS
  • MAY MEMBER NEWS FEATURE: ... And he gave them names!
    Posted: 2009-05-04; Views: 74 [READ]

  • JOM ARTICLE: Meeting the Needs of a Diverse Membership
    Posted: 2009-05-04; Views: 54 [READ]

  • POLL: What types of resources have you found to be most useful during the current economic downturn?
    Posted: 2009-04-22; Views: 1004 [READ]

  • Employment in the Material Science Industry
    Posted: 2009-04-21; Views: 132 [READ]

    Posted: 2009-04-06; Views: 200 [READ]

Mr. Eric Young 
TMS Member Student, South Dakota School of Mines

• Aberdeen, SD United States

• Technical Division Volunteer

• Member since 2006

• 2009 Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division Scholarship winner

"I am honored to be a recipient of the MPMD Scholarship and to join the prestigious list of others who have received this award before me. Thanks to the support of TMS, my future is looking brighter all the time. "

To suggest a member for a future profile, contact JOM editor Maureen Byko.


Webcast: “Examining Consumer Preferences & Behaviors Related to Recycling”, from the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting

This webcast is a recording of the presentation given on February 15, 2009 at the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting & Exhibition as part of the Green Materials and Processes for Managing Electronic Waste workshop. This recording highlights the consumer preferences and behaviors that are associated with recycling. [MORE]


  • LMPC 2009
    May 13: Abstract Submission Deadline (extended!) [MORE]

  • EMC 2009
    May 20: Housing reservation discount ends today [MORE]

  • JOM Author Deadline
    June 1: Biomaterials [MORE]

  • EMC 2009
    June 5: Advanced Registration Ends [MORE]

  • EMC 2009
    June 5: Late News Abstracts deadline [MORE]

  • Vittorio de Nora Prize
    June 30: Application deadline [MORE]

  • TMS 2010 Annual Meeting
    July 15: Abstract Submission deadline [MORE]