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Tag Archive | "Methodology"

Methodology Report for a Multimedia Approach to Training Staff in Simple Book Repair (1997-26)

Methodology Report for a Multimedia Approach to Training Staff in Simple Book Repair (1997-26)

Simple book repair was defined as those repairs meeting the following criteria: the repair could be completed in a relatively short period of time, required a relatively low level of conservation skill and experience, and could be accomplished with available tools and supplies.

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Posted in Archeology & Collections, Disaster Recovery, Grants, Materials Research, Product CatalogComments (0)

Manual on Conservation Methodology for Historic Buildings and Structures (1997-07)

Manual on Conservation Methodology for Historic Buildings and Structures (1997-07)

Herein, basic Conservation and Preservation concepts would be pragmatically explained and illustrated, utilizing, for acclaratory purposes, case studies of preservation projects in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.

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Posted in Architecture & Engineering, Grants, Product CatalogComments (0)

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