GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program

NARCCAP is an international program providing high resolution climate scenarios to North American countries using regional climate models, coupled global climate models, and time-slice experiments. This web page describes GFDL's contribution to the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP). The official NARCCAP web site can be found at

GFDL is providing two data sets for NARCCAP

Boundary conditions for regional climate model (RCM) runs

This data set consists of high time resolution (4 times daily) data from global simulations of the GFDL climate model (CM2.1). Data is available for two IPCC AR4 experiments: the historical (20C3M) run for the years 1968 to 2000 and the A2 scenario run from 2038 to 2070.

Time-slice experiments at approximately 50 km resolution

GFDL's atmospheric model (AM2.1) was run in AMIP mode at high horizontal resolution (0.625° lon x 0.5° lat). The historical run (1968-2000) used observed SST and sea ice extent. The scenario run (2038-2070) used deviations from the GFDL's CM2.1 A2 scenario.

Climate response image

The climate response from CM2.1 and AM2.1. Click the image for a larger version
