Release Notes: 12-15-2008

This release of the IDB contains revised estimates and projections for 29 countries. For general information about how these estimates and projections are developed, see Population Estimates and Projections Methodology. Unless otherwise indicated, all projections have been produced by single years of age up to 100 years and over.

1. The following 19 countries and areas were updated to include new data and/or analysis:

* On February 18, 2008 the U.S. government recognized the independence of Kosovo from Serbia. The new estimates and projections reflect this change.

2. The following 4 countries have undergone additional analyses to update the estimated effects of HIV/AIDS. See Population Estimates and Projections Incorporating AIDS. Currently, only the "With AIDS" series are shown in the IDB  for the 52 countries where HIV/AIDS is modeled explicitly.

3. In order to better project countries with increasing numbers of people in the oldest ages, we are in the process of converting our projections to be done by single years of age up to 100 years and over. This change was implemented for the following 6 countries:

4. The following tables were removed from the International Data Base:

Historical data preceding the first year of each country projection also have been removed from the following tables:

Release notes history