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Staying Active and Eating Healthy

Playing It Safe

Starting a Physical Activity Program

Adopting an active lifestyle is smart. But so is playing it safe. Start slow if you have not been physically active for a long time (see Types of Physical Activity). And talk to your doctor before you begin any physical activity if you:

Preventing Injury

You can also take these steps to prevent injury:

  • Use safety equipment. For example, wear a helmet for bike riding or supportive shoes for walking or jogging.
  • Start every workout with a warm-up. Spend 5 to 10 minutes doing some easy stretches and movement, progressing to a brisk walk. Do the same thing when you're done working out until your heart rate returns to normal.
  • Drink plenty of fluids when you are physically active, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Always bend forward from the hips, not the waist. If you keep your back straight, you're probably bending the right way. If your back "humps," that's probably wrong.
  • Stop being active if you feel very out of breath, dizzy, nauseous, or have pain. If your chest feels tight or painful, or you feel faint or have trouble breathing, stop the activity right away and talk to your doctor.

Additional Resources


  1. Effects of Exercise on Pregnancy (Copyright © APA) — This publication lists some of the positive effects exercise can have on pregnancy and childbirth. Also, it explains what to watch out for so exercise during pregnancy remains safe and healthy for you and your baby.

  2. Exercise Guidelines During Pregnancy (Copyright © APA) — This publication provides a list of guidelines to follow when planning an exercise program during pregnancy.

  3. Safe Exercise (Copyright ©AAOS) — When people start to exercise, they often push their bodies too far. The more exercise that is done, the higher the risk of overuse and traumatic injuries. Moderation is the key to safe exercise. This publication lists some good ways to ease into exercise.

  4. Warm Up, Cool Down and Be Flexible (Copyright ©AAOS) — An effective fitness program is more than aerobic training and strength building. To really reap the benefits of exercise, you need to add flexibility training to the mix. This publication explains how you can work flexibility training into your workout.


  1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  2. American College of Sports Medicine

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated June 17, 2008.

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