BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 08:49 AM

Guidelines for Interns

Here are general guidelines to keep in mind during your internship. They were developed based on questions we received from past interns.

1. How do I dress?

The Commercial Service office deals with the public. Therefore blue jeans and polo/T shirts are not recommended.
Men should have a jacket and tie for special occasions. It is ok for women to wear dressy pants to the office. The profession staff usually wears a suit, pantsuit or a dress. You must wear or carry your ID badge at all times.

2. Where can I eat lunch?

You can bring your own lunch or eat at the Embassy cafeteria for a reasonable price.

3. What is the office contact information?

Our telephone numbers are: (51-1) 618-2442, (51-1) 434-3040
Our fax number is: (51-1) 434-3041

4. What are your business hours?

Our hours are 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. When we have large projects we do work overtime to ensure they are successfully completed. The latest you may stay at the office is 7 pm, always accompanied by one of the professional staff.

5. What about mail and e-mail?

You should arrange to have mail delivered to the residence where you are staying.
You will have an official email address about 3 weeks after arrival. You can access your personal email account from your desktop computer. Personal correspondence should be handled on your personal time.

Following the successful completion of your internship, you will receive a written evaluation.