BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Peru Local time: 08:52 AM

Peruvian and U.S.A. Important links

Peruvian Government - If you are looking for business in Peru, here you will find useful the following commercial links:

Peruvian Government Official Website

The Congress of Peru

Judicial Branch

PCM - Presidency of the Council of Ministers

MEF - Ministry of Economy and Finance

MEM - Ministry of Energy and Mines

MINCETUR - Ministry of Tourism and International Trade

MTC - Ministry of Transportation and Communications

MINAG - Ministry of Agriculture
or :

MINJUS - Ministry of Justice

Ministerio Público - Office of the Public Prosecutor

PRODUCE - Ministry of Production (formely Industria y Pesquería)

MINEDU - Ministry of Education

MINSA - Ministry of Health

ESSALUD - Peruvian Social Security Service

RREE - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MININTER - Ministry ot The Interior

MIMDES - Ministry of the Wemen and Social Development

MINDEF - Ministry of Defense

VIVIENDA - Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation

MTPE - Ministry of Labor and Job Promotion

PROMPEX - Commission for the promotion of Peruvian Exports

PROINVERSION - Commssion for the Promotion of Private Investment

INICTEL - National Investigation and Telecommunications Training Institute

CONASEV - National Supervisory Agency for Corporation and Securities

INDECOPI - National Agency for the Competition and Intellectual Property Promotion

INEI - Nacional Statistics Institute

OSINERG - National Supervisory Agency for Investment in Energy

OSITRAN - National Supervisory Agency for Investment in Public Transportation Infrastructure

OSIPTEL - National Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications

SUNAT - National Supervisory Agency for Taxes and Customs Services

SBS - National Supervisory Agency for Banking, Insurance and Retirement Funds

SUNASS - National Supervisory Agency for Water and Sanitation Services

PROMPYME - Commision for the Promotion of Small Businesses

SENASA - Nacional Agricultural Sanitory Service

BCR - Central Reserve Bank of Peru

BN - National Bank of Peru

Office of the People's Ombudsperson

Peruvian Trade Associations - If you are planning to do business in Peru, you will soon find yourself looking for local commercial institutions that promote commercial activity. The U.S. Commercial Service in Lima has carefully chosen a selected group of qualified local service institutions that guarantee English language service and experience in serving U.S. companies.

Mining, Petroleum and Energy Society
Non-profit business group oriented to support mining, oil and energy companies operating in Peru.

Lima Stock Exchange.

American Chamber of Commerce

CAPECO Peruvian Chamber of Construction.
CAPECO groups together and represents companies involved in the construction sector. Capeco's objective is to provide services for its associates, promote national development and improve the quality of life of citizens through construction activities and projects. It is also publisches the construction-related magazine Constructivo Magazine.

PROMPEX. Is the main Peruvian commercial promotion institution. PROMPEX's website contains information on: 

  • Peru, Economy and Business
  • Local Contacts
  • Foreign Contacts
  • Peruvian Products in the World
  • News, Events
  • Commercial and Financial Information
  • Promotional Programs
  • Institutional Plans
  • Commercial Links, and others

Provides Peruvian business opportunities and information. The best wholesale/bulk peruvian products, potential business partners, and up-to-date news.

Groups Peruvian exporters.

COMEXPERU. Is a private trade association which gathers the most important importing companies of Peru.  COMEXPERU also provides counseling in trade, statistics, access conditions, etc.

Lima Chamber of Commerce /
Lima's Chamber of Commerce is a private institution, with national and international presence, that congregates people and companies, and has the mission to represent the legitimate interests of its associates, ease the creation of links between them and give them business opportunities

Confederation of Private Business Associations (CONFIEP)
Provides business opportunities and commercial information

National Society of Industries
Provides business opportunities and commercial information

Comission for the Promotion of Small and Micro Enterprises
Provides business opportunities and commercial information.

Other Important Links
Peruvian Tourisn Information

PROMPERU - Commission for the Promotion of Peru

Peruvian Major Newspapers

Diario El Comercio

El Peruano

Peru 21

La Republica


U.S. Government - Following you may find U.S. government agencies that may assist you in tapping foreign markets:

U.S. Department of Commerce

International Trade Administration is offered by the Department of Commerce and provides info on international trade. offers valuable assistance to help your business export goods and services to markets worldwide. From this site you can access a global listing of trade events, international market research, and practical tools to help with every step of the export process.

Trade Information Center (TIC) is a comprehensive resource for information on all U.S. Federal Government export assistance programs.

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Export Administration Contact information for the Bureau of Export Administration and the function it serves.

United States Department of Commerce, Economic and Statistics Administration
Where economic and social change is chronicled, understood, and explained.

United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) promotes a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic data in an objective and cost-effective manner.

United States Department of Commerce, Minority Business Development Agency The only Federal Agency created specifically to foster the creation, growth and expansion of minority-owned businesses in America.

United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

United States Department of Commerce, United States Patent and Trademark Office

Trade and Development Agency(TDA)

Export Import Bank

Overseas Private Investment Corporation

National Trade Data Bank(NTDB)

Regarding U.S. Standards Initiave in Peru, you may visit the following site: NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology

Federal homepages

Library of Congress Use of library catalogue, research tools, links to Congress, the Copyright Office, maps, exhibitions and a search engine.

Thomas Legislative Information Everything you ever wanted to know about the United States Congress: major legislation, floor activities and member lists of both House and Senate, and an archive.

Small Business Administration This site provides private citizens with detailed advice on starting a business. It also includes a library and search engine.

United States Department of Agriculture The latest news, agencies, services and programs.

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service: Agricultural export information.

United States Department of State This site tracks the political and economic climate around the world, including policy decisions, news, travel warnings, support for businesses and global issues.

United States Government Printing Office An archives of government documents which links to other government sites.

United States House of Representatives A site devoted to the current efforts of the U.S. Representatives (tracks pending legislation), along with governmental and educational links.

United States International Trade Commission "Provides objective trade expertise to both legislative and executive branches of government, determines the impact of imports on U.S. industries, and directs action against certain unfair trade practices." Includes news, tariff updates, trade resources and links to trade data from various U.S. Departments.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) USAID procurement and opportunities.

The White House All the information relating to the executive branch, as well as links to all of the executive branches of the government, includes a search engine.

U.S. Census Bureau The Census Bureau serves as the leading source of quality data about the US American people and economy.

International Organizations

The universal currency converter

Electronic Business Directory