Missouri Botanical Garden
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Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District (ZMD)
A vital source of support for the Missouri Botanical Garden

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Since 1971, residents of St. Louis City and County have generously supported the The Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District (ZMD). The ZMD is a property tax-supported district governed by an eight member Board of Directors, each appointed for a four-year term by the Mayor of the City of St. Louis and by the St. Louis County Executive.

The ZMD distributes funds through five cultural subdistricts, one of which includes the Missouri Botanical Garden. These contributions support the Garden's botanical facilities and educational services.

As a thank you for their continued support, City and Country residents receive special discounts and free admission to the Garden on Wednesdays and Saturdays before noon. Learn more here.

To learn more about the ZMD, please visit their website.