Ambulatory Safety and Quality: Enabling Patient-Centered Care Through Health IT Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

Technical Assistance Conference Call, Slide Presentation (Text Version)

On January 4, 2007, the following presentation was made in a technical assistance meeting regarding Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) RFA-HS-07-007 for the AHRQ Ambulatory Safety and Quality Program. This is the text version of the slide presentation. Select to access the slides (PowerPoint® File, 225 KB).

Slide 1

Ambulatory Safety and Quality: Enabling Patient-Centered Care through Health IT Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)

Technical Assistance Conference Call
January 4, 2007

Slide 2

Conference Call Agenda

Slide 3

Eligible Institutions

Slide 4

AHRQ Ambulatory Safety and Quality Program

Slide 5

Ambulatory Safety and Quality (ASQ): Four components

Slide 6

Definition of ambulatory care

Slide 7


This FOA solicits applications to explore the use of health information technology (IT) and related policies and practices to establish and enhance patient-centered care in ambulatory settings.

Slide 8

Goals and Aims

Slide 9

Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centered care is responsive to the needs and preferences of individual patients, provides patients with access to their medical information, and empowers patients to be active participants in care decisions and in the daily management of their health and illnesses.

Slide 10

Areas of Interest

While there are many ways health IT may be used to provide patient-centered ambulatory care, AHRQ has identified the following four areas of particular interest:

Slide 11

Project Overview

Applicants are expected to:

Slide 12

Highlights of the Research Design and Methods Section

Slide 13

Assessing Patient Experience

Slide 14

Required Measurements

Slide 15

More Highlights

Slide 16

Privacy and Security

Slide 17

Three Special Funding Preferences

Slide 18

Funding considerations

Slide 19

Review Criteria

Slide 20

Mechanism of Support & Funds Available

Slide 21

AHRQ does not accept modular budgets

Slide 22


Slide 23

Eligible Institutions

Slide 24

Principal Investigator (PI)

Slide 25

Key Dates

Slide 26

Frequently Asked Questions

Slide 27

Are hospitals allowed to apply?

Slide 28

Does AHRQ accept modular budgets?


Slide 29

Are Emergency Rooms ambulatory care sites?

For the purpose of this FOA, Yes.

Slide 30

What if we want to focus on the transition between settings?

Health care transitions

Slide 31

Can there be Co-PIs?


Slide 32

Ground Rules for Open Forum

Slide 33

AHRQ contacts

For additional technical assistance, please contact an AHRQ staff person who will be glad to provide technical assistance:

Return to Technical Assistance Call

Current as of February 2007

Internet Citation:

Ambulatory Safety and Quality: Enabling Patient-Centered Care Through Health IT Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Slide presentation (Text Version) at Technical Assistance Workshop, January 4, 2007. February 2007. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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