Table 1. Labor force status of 2008 high school graduates and 2007-08 high school dropouts 16 to 24 years old by school enrollment, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, October 2008

   Table 1.  Labor force status of 2008 high school graduates and 2007-08 high school dropouts 16 to 24 years old 
   by school enrollment, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, October 2008
   (Numbers in thousands)
                                                                     Civilian labor force                           
                                        Civilian                                                             Not in 
             Characteristic             noninsti-                           Employed          Unemployed      labor 
                                        tutional           Percent of                                         force 
                                       population   Total  population                                               
                                                                        Total  Percent of  Number    Rate           
   Total, 2008 high school                                                                                          
    graduates (1) ....................    3,151     1,644     52.2      1,310     41.6        334    20.3     1,507 
       Men............................    1,640       827     50.4        641     39.1        186    22.5       813 
       Women..........................    1,511       817     54.1        668     44.2        148    18.2       694 
       White..........................    2,521     1,373     54.5      1,114     44.2        260    18.9     1,148 
       Black or African American......      428       202     47.3        148     34.6         54    26.9       226 
       Asian..........................       96        22     23.0         22     23.0        -        -         74 
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity...      458       246     53.7        185     40.4         61    24.8       212 
     Enrolled in college..............    2,161       888     41.1        756     35.0        132    14.9     1,274 
       Enrolled in 2-year college.....      871       488     55.9        419     48.1         69    14.1       384 
       Enrolled in 4-year college.....    1,290       400     31.0        337     26.1         64    15.9       890 
       Full-time students.............    2,013       775     38.5        662     32.9        113    14.5     1,238 
       Part-time students.............      149       113     75.9         93     62.8         20    17.3        36 
       Men............................    1,080       389     36.0        327     30.3         62    15.9       691 
       Women..........................    1,081       499     46.1        428     39.6         70    14.1       583 
       White..........................    1,785       778     43.6        664     37.2        114    14.7     1,007 
       Black or African American......      235        77     32.6         63     27.0         13    17.4       158 
       Asian..........................       84        15     18.3         15     18.3        -        -         69 
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity...      292       130     44.6        101     34.7         29    22.2       162 
     Not enrolled in college..........      989       756     76.4        554     56.0        202    26.7       234 
       Men............................      560       438     78.1        314     56.1        124    28.2       122 
       Women..........................      430       318     74.1        240     55.9         78    24.6       111 
       White..........................      736       595     80.8        449     61.1        145    24.5       141 
       Black or African American......      193       126     65.1         85     43.8         41    32.7        68 
       Asian..........................       11         6      (2)          6      (2)        -        -          5 
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity...      165       115     69.9         83     50.5         32    27.7        50 
   Total, 2007-08 high school                                                                                       
    dropouts (3) .....................      400       194     48.4        117     29.3         77    39.5       206 
       Men............................      191       103     53.9         56     29.3         47    45.6        88 
       Women..........................      210        91     43.4         61     29.2         30    32.7       119 
       White..........................      253       142     56.2         94     37.3         48    33.6       111 
       Black or African American......      117        44     37.6         20     16.8         24     (2)        73 
       Asian..........................       17       -         -         -         -         -        -         17 
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity...      111        63     56.3         35     31.9         27     (2)        49 

      1 Data refer to persons who graduated from high school between October 2007 and October 2008.
      2 Data not shown where base is less than 75,000.
      3 Data refer to persons who dropped out of school between October 2007 and October 2008.
      NOTE:  Detail for the above race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals
   because data are not presented for all races.  Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be
   of any race.  Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals.  Updated population controls
   are introduced annually with the release of January data.  Dash represents or rounds to zero.

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Last Modified Date: April 28, 2009