Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office       Caribou Projects 

Assessing wildland fire impacts on the
winter habitat use and distribution of caribou
within Alaska's interior boreal forest ecosystem.



Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's Conversations about Caribou
Dartmouth's Western Arctic Herd Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Homepage
Western Arctic Caribou Herd Management Plan
University of Michigan's Caribou Home Page
Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board
ADFG - Caribou Fun Facts
ADFG - Caribou Notebook Series

ADFG - Caribou Distribution in Alaska
Porcupine Caribou Management Board
Porcupine Caribou Harvest Model
The Fortymile Caribou Herd Management Team
Project Caribou
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve's Reindeer/Caribou Webpage
Taiga Net Caribou
Wolves, Bears, and their Prey in Alaska


Alaska Boreal Forest Council
Sierra Club's Boreal Forest Webpage
Conservation Ecology's Special Feature on the Boreal Forest
Lichens of North America


Alaska Fire Service
National Interagency Fire Center
Fire Effects Information System
Tall Timbers Research Station
FWS's Role of Fire in Alaska Fire Curriculum for Grades K-12


Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADFG)
US Fish and Wildlife Service - Alaska Region
Bureau of Land Management - Alaska Region
National Park Service
USGS - Alaska Science Center

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Last Reviewed: April 29, 2004