Table 10. Extended mass layoff events and separations, selected measures, selected quarters, 2007 and 2008

Table 10. Extended mass layoff events and separations, selected measures, selected quarters, 2007 and 2008

                                                  Layoff events                                Separations              
                                           IV          III          IV             IV              III             IV   
                                          2007        2008r        2008p          2007            2008r           2008p 
Total, private nonfarm (1) .........     1,814        1,582        3,140         301,592         290,052         508,859

    Total, excluding seasonal                                                                                           
        and vacation events (2) ....     1,062        1,366        2,332         171,808         246,132         373,359

        Total, movement of work (3).        69           84          110          11,302          14,938          24,236

             Movement of work 
               actions .............        90          106          150            (4)             (4)             (4)
                  With separations 
                    reported .......        66           78          111           7,152           9,631          16,061
                  With separations 
                    unknown ........        24           28           39            (4)             (4)             (4)

    1 See footnote 1, table 1.
    2 The questions on movement of work were not asked of employers when the reason for layoff was either seasonal work
or vacation period.
    3 Movement of work can involve more than one action. 
    4 Data are not available.
    r = revised.
    p = preliminary. 

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Last Modified Date: February 13, 2009