Internet Address:
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620           FOR RELEASE: December 12, 2008
St. Thomas leads territory in employment growth, St. Croix has highest
                             average wage

     Employment in St. Thomas, the largest county in the Virgin
Islands, stood at 24,100 in March 2008, after rising 3.1 percent over
the year.  Regional Commissioner Michael L. Dolfman noted that
employment growth in this county exceeded the 1.1-percent increase
reported for the Virgin Islands as a whole over the same time period.
For the United States, employment increased by 0.4 percent from March
2007.  (See chart A.)

     In the first quarter of 2008, average weekly wages in St. Thomas
decreased 2.5 percent over the year, while territory-wide, the average
rose 3.4 percent.  In the United States, wages advanced 2.4 percent
from the first quarter 2007 to the first quarter 2008.  (See chart B.)

Chart A. Employment growth in the United States, Virgin Islands, and St. Thomas, March 2007-March 2008 and Chart B. Percent growth in average weekly wages, United States, Virgin Islands, and St. Thomas, first quarter 2007-first quarter 2008

     In the first quarter of 2008, weekly wages averaged $637 in St.
Thomas, $71 less than the territory-wide average of $708.  The wage
level for the territory was almost $200 lower, or 22 percent below, the
U.S. average of $905.  Although lower than the national average, wages
in the Virgin Islands well exceeded the $489 weekly average in
neighboring Puerto Rico.


     In March 2008, employment in St. Thomas stood at 24,100,
accounting for 52 percent of the territory's workforce.  In the two
other counties, workers on St. Croix numbered 19,800 and on St. John,
2,500.  In neighboring Puerto Rico, San Juan employment totaled 284,100
in March 2008.

     Over the year, employment in St. Thomas grew by 3.1 percent.
Employment also increased in the largest counties of 33 states, with
the fastest growth occurring in Cass, N.D. (3.8 percent).  St. Thomas
ranked third in employment growth among the largest counties in each of
the states and territories.  On the other hand, employment in San Juan,
Puerto Rico, fell 2.4 percent from March 2007 to March 2008; Wayne,
Mich., registered the steepest decline among the largest counties, down
3.1 percent.

Wage levels

     Among the three counties in the Virgin Islands, St. Croix recorded
the highest average weekly wage, $803, in the first quarter of 2008;
even so, the wage was $102 below that for the nation.  Average weekly
wages were much lower in St. John ($652) and St. Thomas, ($637).

    Average weekly wages in the largest county in each of the states
ranged from $2,805 in New York, N.Y., to $695 in Yellowstone, Mont.
When the territories were also considered, the average wage in St.
Thomas ranked second lowest among the largest counties.  Only San Juan,
Puerto Rico, with an average wage of $593, ranked lower.

     Over the year, average weekly wages in St. Thomas dropped by 2.5
percent.  In 32 states, the largest county had an over-the-year
percentage increase in wages that exceeded the national average of 2.4
percent in the first quarter of 2008; in 5 states, the average weekly
wage in the largest county declined.

Additional statistics and other information

  For further information or personal assistance on the Quarterly
Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) Program, as well as other Bureau
programs, contact the New York-New Jersey Information Office at (646)
264-3600 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.
Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired
individuals upon request.  Voice phone: 202-691-5200; TDD message
referral phone number:  1-800-877-8339.
  An annual bulletin, Employment and Wages, features comprehensive
information by detailed industry on establishments, employment, and
wages for the nation and all states. The 2006 edition of this bulletin
contains selected data produced by Business Employment Dynamics (BED)
on job gains and losses, as well as selected data from the first
quarter 2007 version of this news release. As with the 2005 edition,
this edition includes the data on a CD for enhanced access and
usability with the printed booklet containing selected graphic
representations of QCEW data; the data tables themselves have been
published exclusively in electronic formats as PDFs. The 2006 bulletin
is available in a PDF on the BLS Web site at
                            TECHNICAL NOTE
  QCEW data are the sums of individual establishment records
reflecting the number of establishments that exist in a county or
industry at a point in time.  For this reason, county and industry data
are not designed to be used as a time series.
  The preliminary QCEW data presented in this release may differ from
data released by the individual states as well as from the data
presented on the BLS Web site.  The potential differences result from
several causes.  Differences between BLS and state published data may
be due to the continuing receipt, review and editing of UI data over
time.  On the other hand, differences between data in this release and
the data found on the BLS Web site are the result of adjustments made
to improve over-the-year comparisons.  Specifically, these adjustments
account for administrative (noneconomic) changes such as a correction
to a previously reported location or industry classification.
Adjusting for these administrative changes allows users to more
accurately assess changes of an economic nature (such as a firm moving
from one county to another or changing its primary economic activity)
over a 12-month period.  Currently, adjusted data are available only
from BLS press releases.

  Average weekly data by county are compiled under the Quarterly
Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, also known as the ES-202
program.  The data are derived from reports submitted by employers
subject to state and federal unemployment insurance (UI) laws.  The 9.1
million employer reports cover 134.8 million full- and part-time
workers.  The average weekly wage is first compiled by dividing the
total quarterly payroll of employees covered by UI programs by the
average monthly number of these employees.  This number, then, is
divided by 13, the number of weeks in the quarter.  It is to be noted
that over-the-year wage changes for geographic areas may reflect shifts
in the composition of employment by industry, occupation, and such
other factors as hours of work.  Thus, wages may vary among counties,
metropolitan areas, or states for reasons other than changes in the
average wage level.  Data for all states, Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (MSAs), counties, and the nation are available on the BLS Web
site at; however, data in QCEW press releases
may not match the data contained on the Bureau's Web site because of
adjustments made to improve over-the-year comparisons.
NYLS -7355                                               New York Labor

Table 1. Covered1 employment and wages in the United States, the Virgin Islands,
and St. Thomas, first quarter 20082

                                      Employment                Average weekly wage3
                               ______________________          _____________________ 
            Area                   March     change,             Average    Percent  
                                   2008       March              weekly      change,  
                                (thousands)  2007-084             wage      2007-084 

 United States5                  134,761.1      0.4               $905         2.4

   Virgin Islands                     46.5      1.1                708         3.4

     St. Thomas                       24.1      3.1                637        -2.5

 1Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment
  Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
 2Data are preliminary.
 3Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
 4Percent changes were computed from quarterly employment and pay data adjusted for
  noneconomic county reclassifications.
 5Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin

Table 2.  Covered1 employment and wages, the United States, the Virgin Islands
and counties in the Virgin Islands, first quarter, 20082

                                                          March        Average
         Area                                             2008         weekly 
                                                       (thousands)      wage3 

 United States4                                          134,761.1       $905 
   Virgin Islands                                             46.5        708 
     St. Croix                                                19.8        803 
     St. John                                                  2.5        652 
     St. Thomas                                               24.1        637 

 1Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment
  Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
 2Data are preliminary.
 3Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
 4Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the
  Virgin Islands.

Table 3. Covered1 employment and wages by state and territory, first quarter 20082

                                 Employment             Average weekly wage3
                                ____________  ___________________________________________
                                                                    Percent      National  
                                                         National   change,      ranking   
            Area                   March     Average     ranking     first          by     
                                   2008      weekly         by      quarter      percent   
                                (thousands)   wage        level4    2007-08      change4   

 United States5                  134,761.1     $905         -         2.4           -

  Alabama                          1,947.0      740        34         3.2          27
  Alaska                             303.0      866        16         4.2          11
  Arizona                          2,639.7      820        22         2.4          34
  Arkansas                         1,178.4      667        46         4.1          12
  California                      15,561.5    1,008         6         2.1          41
  Colorado                         2,300.0      920        10         3.6          16
  Connecticut                      1,683.9    1,254         3        -0.6          51
  Delaware                           418.4      987         7         0.1          49
  District of Columbia               680.8    1,488         1         4.3           9
  Florida                          7,918.6      777        26         1.8          43

  Georgia                          4,060.9      847        20         1.3          44
  Hawaii                             628.1      773        28         3.5          19
  Idaho                              645.3      635        48         0.3          48
  Illinois                         5,796.1      980         8         2.6          33
  Indiana                          2,858.7      757        33         2.4          34
  Iowa                             1,469.8      710        40         3.6          16
  Kansas                           1,363.2      737        35         2.4          34
  Kentucky                         1,794.0      714        39         2.4          34
  Louisiana                        1,887.3      765        30         4.8           4
  Maine                              584.1      701        42         3.5          19

  Maryland                         2,530.3      963         9         2.8          31
  Massachusetts                    3,203.1    1,143         4         3.3          23
  Michigan                         4,058.8      857        18         0.9          47
  Minnesota                        2,644.8      908        12         4.0          13
  Mississippi                      1,138.2      634        49         3.3          23
  Missouri                         2,708.0      768        29         3.5          19
  Montana                            432.4      625        51         4.3           9
  Nebraska                           912.2      687        44         3.2          27
  Nevada                           1,266.3      839        21         4.7           5
  New Hampshire                      621.2      863        17         3.4          22

  New Jersey                       3,939.9    1,133         5         3.3          23
  New Mexico                         823.8      717        38         4.7           5
  New York                         8,555.0    1,399         2         0.1          49
  North Carolina                   4,069.1      788        24         1.3          44
  North Dakota                       343.3      652        47         6.2           2
  Ohio                             5,189.1      798        23         1.0          46
  Oklahoma                         1,560.0      707        41         4.7           5
  Oregon                           1,713.1      776        27         2.9          30
  Pennsylvania                     5,608.8      869        15         2.4          34
  Rhode Island                       464.8      851        19         2.3          39

  South Carolina                   1,888.3      695        43         2.8          31
  South Dakota                       389.4      632        50         5.2           3
  Tennessee                        2,746.4      761        31         3.3          23
  Texas                           10,420.8      903        13         3.6          16
  Utah                             1,220.2     $718        37         3.2          27
  Vermont                            300.8      735        36         4.4           8
  Virginia                         3,653.5      918        11         2.0          42
  Washington                       2,928.6      899        14         3.7          15
  West Virginia                      700.3      679        45         4.0          13
  Wisconsin                        2,734.3      760        32         2.2          40
  Wyoming                            277.2      779        25         6.7           1

  Puerto Rico                      1,004.5      489       (6)         2.7         (6)
  Virgin Islands                      46.5      708       (6)         3.4         (6)

 1Includes workers covered by Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Unemployment Compensation
  for Federal Employees (UCFE) programs.
 2Data are preliminary.
 3Average weekly wages were calculated using unrounded data.
 4Ranking does not include Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
 5Totals for the United States do not include data for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands.
 6Data not included in the national ranking.


Last Modified Date: December 16, 2008