Internet Address:   Transmission of material in
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500    this release is embargoed
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620            until after 8:30 A.M. (EDT)
                                                    Thursday, October 16, 2008

  Retail prices in the greater New York area, as measured by the
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), edged down 0.2
percent in September, the first drop in 13 months.  Michael L.
Dolfman, Regional Commissioner of the U. S. Department of Labor's
Bureau of Labor Statistics, said the September index reflected
decreases in the CPI's energy components.  The price index for energy
dropped 7.3 percent, after declining 3.7 percent in August and
increasing in every month from March through July. (See chart A.)
These decreases were largely offset by higher prices for shelter,
apparel, and food.  For the year ended in September 2008, the CPI-U
advanced 5.2 percent.  Core inflation, as measured by the index for
all items less food and energy, was up 3.2 percent over the year.
  The housing index declined 0.8 percent in September, after four
consecutive monthly increases.  The September decrease was primarily
due to an 8.9-percent drop in household energy, following a modest
decline of 0.3 percent in August and increases in every month from
April through July. Within this component, electricity and natural
gas decreased 13.0 and 2.7 percent, respectively.  Despite the
declines in both August and September, the index for household energy
climbed 16.5 percent over the year.  Shelter, which accounts for
roughly 40 percent of the CPI-U for the greater New York area, edged
up 0.2 percent in September.

Chart A. Over-the-month percent changes in consumer price indexes, New Yotk-Northern New Jersey, February-September 2008

        New York-Northern New Jersey CPI monthly and annual percent changes
                              (not seasonally adjusted)
           |   2003    |   2004    |   2005    |   2006    |   2007    |   2008    
   Month   | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  

 January     0.8  3.3    0.3  2.7    0.6  4.1    0.8  3.7    0.2  2.7    0.2  3.7
 February    0.8  3.3    0.6  2.5    0.4  3.9    0.2  3.6    0.6  3.1    0.5  3.6
 March       0.5  3.1    1.1  3.2    1.7  4.4    0.8  2.7    0.7  2.9    0.9  3.8
 April      -0.2  2.6    0.3  3.7    0.0  4.2    0.9  3.6    0.5  2.5    0.3  3.6
 May         0.1  2.8    0.2  3.9   -0.5  3.4    0.6  4.8    0.6  2.5    1.0  4.0
 June        0.1  2.8    0.8  4.6   -0.3  2.3    0.5  5.6    0.5  2.5    1.0  4.5
 July        0.4  3.0   -0.2  3.9    0.9  3.4    0.2  5.0    0.2  2.5    0.7  5.1
 August      0.7  3.1    0.1  3.3    0.8  4.1    0.4  4.7   -0.1  1.9    0.1  5.4
 September   0.3  3.3    0.1  3.2    0.8  4.8   -0.5  3.3    0.0  2.4   -0.2  5.2
 October     0.2  3.3    0.7  3.7    0.4  4.5   -0.5  2.4    0.1  3.1
 November   -0.3  3.1    0.0  3.9   -0.6  3.9   -0.4  2.6    0.4  3.9
 December   -0.1  3.2   -0.2  3.8   -0.5  3.6    0.2  3.3    0.0  3.7

  Also reflecting decreases in energy costs, the transportation
index declined 1.6 percent in September, following a 2.7-percent drop
in August.  The price of gasoline retreated 5.6 percent in September,
after declining 7.4 percent in August. As with the household energy
index, the transportation index rose 10.1 percent over the year,
despite two consecutive months of declines.
  The apparel index rose 7.1 percent in September, led by higher
prices for women's outerwear and dresses, not unusual at this time of
year.  From September 2007, apparel prices rose 3.6 percent, the
highest over-the-year increase since August 2005.
  Following a 0.6-percent increase in August, the food and beverages
index rose 1.0 percent in September.  Food at home prices rose 1.1
percent, while food away from home rose 1.0 percent.   The September
food at home index included higher prices for ground beef, breakfast
cereal, carbonated drinks, and other poultry including turkey.  Since
September 2007 grocery prices have climbed 8.4 percent, the largest
12-month increase in over 21 years.
  The education and communication index edged up 0.2 percent in
September, with rising prices for childcare contributing to the
increase.  The other expenditure categories (medical care,
recreation, and other goods and services) were little changed.
  With the New York-Northern New Jersey Consumer Price Index for All
Urban Consumers at 240.089 in September (1982-84=100), $24.09 was
required to purchase what $10 could in the 1982-84 base period.  The
purchasing power of the dollar was 41.7 cents in 1982-84 dollars and
14.4 cents in 1967 dollars.  In September, the Consumer Price Index
for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) was 234.703, down
0.3 percent over the month.  The CPI-W rose 5.6 percent over the
year.  On a 1967 base, the September CPI-W was 668.259.
  Data in this report are not seasonally adjusted.  Accordingly,
month-to-month changes may reflect the impact of seasonal influences.
The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
consolidated area comprises the five boroughs of New York City,
Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Orange
Counties in New York State; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer,
Monmouth, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union
and Warren Counties in New Jersey; Fairfield County and parts of
Litchfield, New Haven and Middlesex Counties in Connecticut; and Pike
County in Pennsylvania.

NYLS - 7350                                          Labor - New York

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
         New York-Northern N.J.-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
                                                         Indexes                Percent change from-   
               Item and Group                                                                          
                                               July       Aug.       Sep.      Sep.     July     Aug.  
                                               2008       2008       2008      2007     2008     2008  
            Expenditure category                                                                      
  All items...............................   240.273    240.550    240.089      5.2     -0.1     -0.2 
  All items (1967=100)....................   694.595    695.396    694.064       -        -        -  
   Food and beverages.....................   223.278    224.520    226.728      6.6      1.5      1.0 
    Food..................................   222.523    223.732    226.022      6.8      1.6      1.0 
     Food at home.........................   223.293    225.000    227.432      8.4      1.9      1.1 
     Food away from home..................   227.536    228.174    230.353      4.8      1.2      1.0 
    Alcoholic beverages...................   230.313    232.027    232.965      4.7      1.2       .4 
   Housing................................   259.706    260.568    258.439      4.5      -.5      -.8 
    Shelter...............................   307.161    308.643    309.178      3.8       .7       .2 
     Rent of primary residence 1/.........   297.326    299.103    299.508      5.4       .7       .1 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary
         residence 1/ 2/..................   313.335    314.378    314.933      3.3       .5       .2 
    Fuels and utilities...................   236.499    235.786    216.646     15.5     -8.4     -8.1 
     Household energy  ...................   242.451    241.662    220.224     16.5     -9.2     -8.9 
      Gas (piped) and electricity 1/......   223.953    227.868    205.583     10.6     -8.2     -9.8 
       Electricity 1/.....................   206.046    220.254    191.571      8.4     -7.0    -13.0 
       Utility (piped) gas service 1/.....   256.392    236.195    229.714     12.8    -10.4     -2.7 
    Household furnishings and operations..   127.691    127.318    127.420     -1.9      -.2       .1 
   Apparel................................   106.470    111.287    119.185      3.6     11.9      7.1 
   Transportation.........................   218.149    212.162    208.757     10.1     -4.3     -1.6 
    Private transportation................   208.336    201.938    198.879     10.3     -4.5     -1.5 
     Motor fuel...........................   319.030    295.412    278.997     31.2    -12.5     -5.6 
      Gasoline (all types)................   317.421    293.916    277.603     31.1    -12.5     -5.6 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular 3/......   323.309    297.984    281.104     32.0    -13.1     -5.7 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade 3/ 4/..   314.032    294.113    277.454     30.1    -11.6     -5.7 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium 3/......   308.351    287.718    273.482     28.6    -11.3     -4.9 
   Medical care...........................   369.528    369.816    368.930      1.8      -.2      -.2 
   Recreation 5/..........................   115.350    115.423    115.340       .7       .0      -.1 
   Education and communication 5/.........   129.762    131.880    132.151      3.6      1.8       .2 
   Other goods and services...............   352.966    352.883    353.597      4.4       .2       .2 
                                                             Commodity and service group              
  All items...............................   240.273    240.550    240.089      5.2      -.1      -.2 
   Commodities............................   186.181    184.969    185.511      6.9      -.4       .3 
    Commodities less                                                              
        food and beverages................   159.077    156.739    156.450      7.0     -1.7      -.2 
     Nondurables less food and beverages..   200.119    196.430    196.667     13.1     -1.7       .1 
     Durables.............................   106.819    106.094    105.221     -3.9     -1.5      -.8 
   Services...............................   286.672    288.192    286.893      4.3      0.1     -0.5 
                                                              Special aggregate indexes              
  All items less medical care.............   234.288    234.562    234.119      5.3      -.1      -.2 
  All items less shelter..................   214.322    214.078    213.176      6.0      -.5      -.4 
  Commodities less food...................   162.241    160.006    159.751      6.9     -1.5      -.2 
  Nondurables.............................   214.380    212.998    214.185      9.7      -.1       .6 
  Nondurables less food...................   202.415    199.000    199.276     12.5     -1.6       .1 
  Services less rent of shelter 2/........   274.238    275.872    272.156      4.9      -.8     -1.3 
  Services less medical care services.....   279.306    280.888    279.599      4.4       .1      -.5 
  Energy..................................   275.268    264.974    245.543     22.8    -10.8     -7.3 
  All items less energy...................   238.515    239.829    241.221      3.7      1.1       .6 
   All items less food and energy.........   242.923    244.264    245.494      3.2      1.1       .5 

  1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series
     were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/ Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/ Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  4/ Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  5/ Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  -  Data not available.


Last Modified Date: November 19, 2008