Internet Address:   Transmission of material in
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500    this release is embargoed
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620            until after 8:30 A.M. (EDT)
                                                    Wednesday, May 14, 2008
                   3.6 PERCENT RISE FROM YEAR AGO
  Retail prices in the greater New York area, as measured by the
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), rose 0.3
percent in April, following a 0.9-percent increase in March.  Michael
L. Dolfman, Regional Commissioner of the U. S. Department of Labor's
Bureau of Labor Statistics, said the April rise was primarily due to
higher prices for transportation and food and beverages.  These
increases were largely offset by lower prices for shelter.  For the
year ended in April 2008, the CPI-U rose 3.6 percent, and core
inflation, as measured by the all items less food and energy index,
was 2.0 percent.
  The transportation index rose 1.5 percent in April, after
increasing 1.7 percent in March. (See chart A.)  Gasoline prices
advanced 5.8 percent over the month and 20.9 percent over the year.
The April 2008 index also reflected over-the-month increases for
motor vehicle insurance, parking and other fees, motor fuels other
than gasoline, and air transportation.
  The food and beverages index increased 0.9 percent, following a
0.7-percent rise in March. Prices for food at home rose 1.4
percent-the largest increase in 15 months.  The advance in grocery
prices included higher prices for rice, pasta, and cornmeal; milk;
potatoes; butter and margarine; bread; flour; and other processed
fruits and vegetables.  Prices for food away from home also rose,
increasing 0.6 percent over the month.  For the year ended April
2008, food and beverage prices increased 5.3 percent, the largest 12-
month change since December 1990.

Chart A. Over-the-month percent changes in consumer price indexes, New York-Northern New Jersey, January-April 2008

        New York-Northern New Jersey CPI monthly and annual percent changes
                              (not seasonally adjusted)
           |   2003    |   2004    |   2005    |   2006    |   2007    |   2008    
   Month   | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  | Mo | Ann  

 January     0.8  3.3    0.3  2.7    0.6  4.1    0.8  3.7    0.2  2.7    0.2  3.7
 February    0.8  3.3    0.6  2.5    0.4  3.9    0.2  3.6    0.6  3.1    0.5  3.6
 March       0.5  3.1    1.1  3.2    1.7  4.4    0.8  2.7    0.7  2.9    0.9  3.8
 April      -0.2  2.6    0.3  3.7    0.0  4.2    0.9  3.6    0.5  2.5    0.3  3.6
 May         0.1  2.8    0.2  3.9   -0.5  3.4    0.6  4.8    0.6  2.5
 June        0.1  2.8    0.8  4.6   -0.3  2.3    0.5  5.6    0.5  2.5
 July        0.4  3.0   -0.2  3.9    0.9  3.4    0.2  5.0    0.2  2.5
 August      0.7  3.1    0.1  3.3    0.8  4.1    0.4  4.7   -0.1  1.9
 September   0.3  3.3    0.1  3.2    0.8  4.8   -0.5  3.3    0.0  2.4
 October     0.2  3.3    0.7  3.7    0.4  4.5   -0.5  2.4    0.1  3.1
 November   -0.3  3.1    0.0  3.9   -0.6  3.9   -0.4  2.6    0.4  3.9
 December   -0.1  3.2   -0.2  3.8   -0.5  3.6    0.2  3.3    0.0  3.7

  The index for housing edged down 0.2 percent in April, the first
decline in six months.  The shelter component fell 0.4 percent, after
increasing 1.2 percent in March, largely due to a decline in charges
for out-of-town lodging, not uncommon in April.  Owners' equivalent
rent and residential rent each increased 0.3 percent, following
similar increases over the past six months.  Among the other housing
components, the index for fuels and utilities rose 1.9 percent, after
posting a 0.5-percent decline in March.  The rise was primarily due
to a 2.4-percent jump in electricity prices, along with higher prices
for residential fuel oil.  Natural gas prices increased 0.4 percent.
  Among other expenditure categories, the recreation index rose 1.2
percent, the largest increase in 32 months.  The April rise reflected
higher prices for pets and pet products as well as televisions and
audio discs, tapes, and other media.  The apparel index dropped 0.8
percent over the month.  Following no change in March, medical care
prices edged down 0.2 percent, and education and communication inched
up 0.1 percent.  The other goods and services index was unchanged in
  With the New York-Northern New Jersey Consumer Price Index for All
Urban Consumers at 233.822 in April (1982-84=100), $23.38 was
required to purchase what $10 could in the 1982-84 base period.  The
purchasing power of the dollar was 42.8 cents in 1982-84 dollars and
14.8 cents in 1967 dollars.  In April, the Consumer Price Index for
Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) was 228.215, up 0.6
percent over the month.  The CPI-W rose 3.8 percent over the year.
On a 1967 base, the April CPI-W was 649.784.
  Data in this report are not seasonally adjusted.  Accordingly,
month-to-month changes may reflect the impact of seasonal influences.
The New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA
consolidated area comprises the five boroughs of New York City,
Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Dutchess, and Orange
Counties in New York State; Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Mercer,
Monmouth, Middlesex, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union
and Warren Counties in New Jersey; Fairfield County and parts of
Litchfield, New Haven and Middlesex Counties in Connecticut; and Pike
County in Pennsylvania.

NYLS - 7331                                          Labor - New York

Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
         New York-Northern N.J.-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT-PA (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
                                    Indexes                Percent change from-   
     Item and Group                                                               
                          Feb.       Mar.       Apr.      Apr.     Feb.     Mar.  
                          2008       2008       2008      2007     2008     2008  
  Expenditure category                                                            
  All items...........   231.020    233.122    233.822      3.6      1.2      0.3 
  All items (1967=100)   667.848    673.924    675.948        -        -        - 
   Food and beverages    216.392    217.953    220.009      5.3      1.7       .9 
    Food..............   215.477    216.948    219.236      5.5      1.7      1.1 
     Food at home.....   213.504    215.803    218.925      5.8      2.5      1.4 
     Food away from                                                               
         home.........   223.624    224.132    225.469      5.1       .8       .6 
        beverages.....   225.980    228.860    227.398      3.6       .6      -.6 
   Housing............   250.328    252.586    252.200      3.2       .7      -.2 
    Shelter...........   300.736    304.244    303.015      2.9       .8      -.4 
     Rent of primary                                                              
         residence 1/    289.775    290.943    291.938      4.7       .7       .3 
         rent of                                                                  
         residence 1/                                                             
         2/ ...........  307.776    308.414    309.225      2.9       .5       .3 
    Fuels and                                                                     
        utilities.....   198.303    197.303    201.039     10.8      1.4      1.9 
     Household energy    200.732    199.579    203.684     11.4      1.5      2.1 
      Gas (piped) and                                                             
          1/.........    191.300    186.483    189.437      5.0     -1.0      1.6 
       Electricity (1)   172.351    165.808    169.629      6.5     -1.6      2.3 
       Utility (piped)                                                            
           gas service                                                            
           1/........    227.510    226.907    227.722      2.6       .1       .4 
        and operations   127.781    127.754    127.503     -3.4      -.2      -.2 
   Apparel............   109.602    112.728    111.844     -2.9      2.0      -.8 
   Transportation.....   196.627    200.012    203.058      7.3      3.3      1.5 
        transportation   187.105    189.936    193.421      7.4      3.4      1.8 
     Motor fuel.......   236.792    247.212    261.591     21.2     10.5      5.8 
      Gasoline (all                                                               
          types)......   235.739    245.733    259.935     20.9     10.3      5.8 
           regular 3/    238.519    249.334    264.346     21.2     10.8      6.0 
           3/ 4/....     235.959    244.449    257.141     20.4      9.0      5.2 
           premium 3/    232.596    241.152    254.028     20.0      9.2      5.3 
   Medical care.......   366.619    366.596    365.956      1.9      -.2      -.2 
   Recreation 5/.....    113.525    113.542    114.919       .1      1.2      1.2 
   Education and                                                                  
       5/............    127.671    127.688    127.836      3.5       .1       .1 
   Other goods and                                                                
       services.......   340.327    341.966    341.909      1.9       .5       .0 
                                         Commodity and service group              
  All items...........   231.020    233.122    233.822      3.6      1.2       .3 
   Commodities........   176.202    178.566    180.466      4.6      2.4      1.1 
    Commodities less                                                              
        food and                                                                  
        beverages.....   148.095    150.731    152.462      4.0      2.9      1.1 
     Nondurables less                                                             
         food and                                                                 
         beverages....   178.595    183.522    186.936      7.6      4.7      1.9 
     Durables.........   108.165    108.113    107.876     -2.3      -.3      -.2 
   Services...........   277.976    279.870    279.574      3.0      0.6     -0.1 
                                         Special aggregate indexes                
  All items less                                                                  
      medical care....   224.900    227.055    227.793      3.7      1.3       .3 
  All items less                                                                  
      shelter.........   203.711    205.228    206.779      4.0      1.5       .8 
  Commodities less                                                                
      food............   151.381    154.042    155.690      4.0      2.8      1.1 
  Nondurables.........   199.539    202.929    205.745      6.5      3.1      1.4 
  Nondurables less                                                                
      food............   181.729    186.564    189.731      7.3      4.4      1.7 
  Services less rent                                                              
      of shelter (2)     262.256    262.143    263.044      3.1       .3       .3 
  Services less                                                                   
      medical care                                                                
      services........   270.599    272.565    272.280      3.1       .6      -.1 
  Energy..............   216.522    220.181    228.579     15.7      5.6      3.8 
  All items less                                                                  
      energy..........   234.042    236.006    235.958      2.6       .8       .0 
  All items less food                                                            
       and energy.....   238.911    240.980    240.489      2.0       .7      -.2 

  1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item 
     stratum index series were calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/ Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/ Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  4/ Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  5/ Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  -  Data not available.


Last Modified Date: May 14, 2008