National Weather Service
Professional Development Series
Professional Competency Unit

Forecasting Aviation Icing

PCU 2: Assessing the Hemispheric Environment: Large-Scale Patterns Associated with Icing Episodes

Producer: to be named

Description of Job Duty Competency to be Achieved

Assess the hemispheric scale environment to determine if current or future hemispheric patterns are conducive to aircraft icing episodes.

Description of Need

To anticipate the occurrence of aircraft icing, forecasters must be able to identify the hemispheric scale patterns that are often associated with icing. By recognizing these patterns the forecaster can begin to understand the relationships between hemispheric scale parameters/processes and the occurrence of aircraft icing.

Specific Job Task Skills and Knowledge

1. Recognize the hemispheric wave patterns that favor widespread overrunning precipitation events.

2. Predict the response, within the area of responsibility, created by geography and regional topography, to hemispheric features in order to assess the potential for an icing episode.

3. Identify the current and anticipate the future hemispheric flow and moisture patterns to assess areas of precipitation and cloud movement, development and dissipation (trough/ridge locations, moisture patterns, jet stream location, orientation, and strength).

4. Assess hemispheric vertical and horizontal temperature patterns to determine where the temperature structure is conducive to icing (e.g., warm vs. cold advection, subfreezing layers, etc.).

5. Integrate remote sensing data, observational data, and numerical model output to identify areas where juxtaposition of parameters favorable for icing are occurring and are anticipated.

Instructional Components

Instructional Component 2.1: Learning component will be developed to identify hemispheric flow patterns and processes that combine to cause favorable conditions for icing episodes (overrunning, cloudiness, subfreezing layers, etc.) [web-based]

Instructional Component 2.2: A few case exercises can be developed to utilize the Resource Data Sets developed for Instructional Unit 6. Such web-CD hybrid exercies will emphasize hemispheric scale processes and patterns that contribute to icing episodes. [web-based]

Instructional Component 2.3: A demonstration and interactive session implementing the various data sources to identify where favorable parameters are juxtaposed on the hemispheric scale. [teletraining]

Instructional Component 2.4: Completed Selected portions of the COMET Forecast Process CD-ROM.

Instructional Component 2.5: Possible CD-ROM incorporating web-based, teletraining, and case exercise components onto one CD.

Instructional Component 2.6: Training officers will ensure that aviation forecasters have an adequate knowledge of local responses to various hemispheric patterns and processes that are conducive to icing episodes. Training will be conducted either by formal training sessions or by providing on-shift mentoring with experienced forecasters.

Instructional Component 2.7: Sponsors will provide an online bibliography that identifies some of the key subject matter-related references for this particular unit. Sponsors will assist forecast offices in obtaining reference material if necessary.

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Last updated on 3/16/01