(816) 285-7000

February 20, 2009



Prices increased 4.1 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the Denver metropolitan area increased 4.1 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008, with most of the increase occurring in the first half of the period, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. According to Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman, while costs in all eight major expenditure categories were up over the period, nearly a third of the increase in the overall index was attributable to rising costs for housing.

Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO Metropolitan Area CPI-U Annual Percent Change

Among the eight major expenditure categories, rising housing costs had the largest impact on the overall index, advancing 3.2 percent with both shelter and household energy costs contributing to the over-the-year increase. The shelter index rose 1.8 percent as rent of primary residence increased 2.8 percent and owners' equivalent rent of primary residence rose 1.4 percent. Prices for household energy jumped 22.5 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008 after declining 20.6 percent from the second half of 2005 to the second half of 2007. Electricity prices increased 15.9 percent, the largest over-the-year advance since 1984. Charges for utility (piped) gas service turned up 24.9 percent over the year after falling 12.7 percent from the second half of 2006 to the second half of 2007. Prices for household furnishings and operations rose 2.6 percent.

The food and beverages index had the second largest effect on the all items index as costs rose 5.4 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008, the largest over-the-year increase since 1990. Prices for food at home climbed 6.6 percent and accounted for nearly two-thirds of the increase in the food and beverages index. Costs for food away from home increased 5.1 percent and alcoholic beverages prices were 0.7 percent lower.

Transportation costs had slightly less impact than food and beverages, advancing 4.0 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008 following an increase of 4.8 percent in the same period one year ago. Private transportation costs, which include prices for motor vehicles and motor fuel, rose 3.2 percent over the year. Prices for motor fuel were 3.6 percent higher with price declines during the second half of the year partially offsetting increases registered earlier in the year. The over-the-year increase moderated after advancing 14.6 percent in the same period one year ago.

The Denver metropolitan area also recorded higher prices in the remaining five major expenditure categories. Medical care costs rose 9.1 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008, the largest over-the-year advance since 1991. The index for education and communication rose 3.5 percent and recreation prices, which include admissions to movies, concerts, and sporting events, rose 3.4 percent. Prices for other goods and services, which include tobacco and smoking products and personal care items, increased 3.5 percent since the second half of 2007. Apparel prices turned up 2.4 percent over the period following a 7.6-percent decline in the same period one year ago.

Energy prices, which include prices for motor fuel and household fuels, were up 10.6 percent over the year with price increases in the first half of the year more than offsetting decreases in the second half. The special aggregate index for all items less energy rose 3.8 percent. Excluding the impact of food and energy prices the Denver CPI-U was up 3.3 percent from the second half of 2007 to the second half of 2008.

The Denver CPI-U stood at 211.066 for the second half of 2008. This means that a market basket of goods and services that cost $100.00 during the 1982-84 base period cost $211.07 during the first half of 2008. Because metropolitan area CPI data are not adjusted for seasonal price variation, consumers and businesses should be cautious in drawing conclusions about long-term retail price trends from short-term changes in the area indexes.

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Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
2nd half 2008 from-
2nd half
1st half
2nd half
2nd half
1st half

Expenditure category


All Items

202.799 208.741 211.066 4.1 1.1

All items (1967=100)

676.250 696.062 703.816    

Food and beverages

193.495 198.694 203.999 5.4 2.7


195.709 201.300 207.440 6.0 3.1

Food at home

198.286 206.180 211.420 6.6 2.5

Food away from home

190.746 194.831 200.456 5.1 2.9

Alcoholic beverages

177.959 179.526 176.706 -0.7 -1.6


187.856 192.726 193.800 3.2 0.6


208.567 210.836 212.358 1.8 0.7

Rent of primary residence

197.873 201.535 203.463 2.8 1.0

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

204.749 206.194 207.680 1.4 0.7

Fuels and utilities

176.639 204.087 201.037 13.8 -1.5

Household energy

132.685 162.211 162.563 22.5 0.2

Gas (piped) and electricity

131.385 160.559 160.954 22.5 0.2


119.364 128.589 138.391 15.9 7.6

Utility (piped) gas service

160.697 219.193 200.659 24.9 -8.5

Household furnishings and operations

124.155 125.553 127.329 2.6 1.4


99.748 103.331 102.186 2.4 -1.1


223.280 234.245 232.319 4.0 -0.8

Private transportation

219.836 230.264 226.845 3.2 -1.5

Motor fuel

238.771 271.312 247.272 3.6 -8.9

Gasoline (all types)

237.751 269.589 245.709 3.3 -8.9

Unleaded regular (2)

235.052 267.401 242.482 3.2 -9.3

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

224.526 253.554 233.591 4.0 -7.9

Unleaded premium (2)

237.364 266.502 245.383 3.4 -7.9

Medical Care

405.130 423.776 442.049 9.1 4.3

Recreation (4)

125.918 126.174 130.241 3.4 3.2

Education and communication (4)

110.703 111.570 114.536 3.5 2.7

Other goods and services

301.431 312.664 311.976 3.5 -0.2

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

202.799 208.741 211.066 4.1 1.1


159.024 163.771 163.869 3.0 0.1

Commodities less food & beverages

140.630 145.097 142.742 1.5 -1.6

Nondurables less food & beverages

169.025 178.221 172.453 2.0 -3.2


113.057 112.888 113.822 0.7 0.8


239.539 246.453 251.041 4.8 1.9

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

192.999 198.443 200.231 3.7 0.9

All items less shelter

201.266 208.784 211.487 5.1 1.3

Commodities less food

142.046 146.387 144.017 1.4 -1.6


181.832 189.122 188.774 3.8 -0.2

Nondurables less food

168.990 177.537 172.039 1.8 -3.1

Services less rent of shelter (1)

285.031 298.761 308.147 8.1 3.1

Services less medical care services

225.221 231.196 234.834 4.3 1.6


181.413 212.339 200.634 10.6 -5.5

All items less energy

205.422 209.366 213.132 3.8 1.8

All items less food and energy

207.563 211.161 214.445 3.3 1.6

(1) Index is on a November 1982=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.

Table 2. Consumer Price Index for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

Denver-Boulder-Greeley, CO (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
2nd half 2008 from-
2nd half
1st half
2nd half
2nd half
1st half

Expenditure category


All Items

194.819 201.124 202.605 4.0 0.7

All items (1967=100)

648.459 669.447 674.377    

Food and beverages

194.358 199.964 205.782 5.9 2.9


196.572 202.522 208.975 6.3 3.2

Food at home

197.866 206.174 211.808 7.0 2.7

Food away from home

192.956 196.746 202.631 5.0 3.0

Alcoholic beverages

183.108 184.260 180.985 -1.2 -1.8


180.345 185.442 186.433 3.4 0.5


197.307 199.463 200.946 1.8 0.7

Rent of primary residence

197.873 201.535 203.463 2.8 1.0

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

191.143 192.492 193.879 1.4 0.7

Fuels and utilities

173.492 201.201 197.979 14.1 -1.6

Household energy

132.092 161.594 161.805 22.5 0.1

Gas (piped) and electricity

131.841 161.234 161.461 22.5 0.1


119.364 128.589 138.391 15.9 7.6

Utility (piped) gas service

160.698 219.195 200.660 24.9 -8.5

Household furnishings and operations

127.617 129.158 131.569 3.1 1.9


94.522 99.783 97.701 3.4 -2.1


222.035 231.963 227.450 2.4 -1.9

Private transportation

219.401 228.988 224.151 2.2 -2.1

Motor fuel

238.736 271.268 247.232 3.6 -8.9

Gasoline (all types)

237.748 269.585 245.705 3.3 -8.9

Unleaded regular (2)

235.057 267.406 242.487 3.2 -9.3

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

224.526 253.554 233.591 4.0 -7.9

Unleaded premium (2)

237.397 266.539 245.417 3.4 -7.9

Medical Care

403.098 423.167 443.009 9.9 4.7

Recreation (4)

114.859 115.011 119.186 3.8 3.6

Education and communication (4)

111.652 112.064 113.963 2.1 1.7

Other goods and services

302.802 314.058 311.517 2.9 -0.8

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

194.819 201.124 202.605 4.0 0.7


162.132 167.804 167.237 3.1 -0.3

Commodities less food & beverages

141.897 147.390 144.013 1.5 -2.3

Nondurables less food & beverages

178.587 191.296 183.007 2.5 -4.3


105.790 105.765 106.073 0.3 0.3


228.722 235.503 239.388 4.7 1.6

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

186.272 192.152 193.179 3.7 0.5

All items less shelter

196.615 204.692 206.197 4.9 0.7

Commodities less food

143.371 148.757 145.376 1.4 -2.3


190.037 199.358 198.203 4.3 -0.6

Nondurables less food

178.643 190.663 182.688 2.3 -4.2

Services less rent of shelter (1)

261.695 275.010 282.363 7.9 2.7

Services less medical care services

215.035 220.992 223.999 4.2 1.4


191.326 223.597 210.693 10.1 -5.8

All items less energy

195.360 199.225 202.430 3.6 1.6

All items less food and energy

196.053 199.457 201.964 3.0 1.3

(1) Index is on a November 1984=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.


Last Modified Date: February 20, 2009