Table 1. Volunteers by selected characteristics, September 2008

     Table 1.  Volunteers by selected characteristics, September 2008
     (Numbers in thousands)
                                                   Total, both sexes                     Men                           Women            
       Characteristics in September 2008     Civilian       Volunteers      Civilian       Volunteers      Civilian       Volunteers    
                                             noninsti-                      noninsti-                      noninsti-                    
                                             tutional                       tutional                       tutional                     
                                            population  Number  Percent of population  Number  Percent of population  Number  Percent of
                                                                population                     population                     population
     Total, 16 years and over..............  234,360    61,803      26.4    113,414    26,268      23.2    120,946    35,535      29.4  
       16 to 24 years......................   37,547     8,239      21.9     18,938     3,747      19.8     18,609     4,493      24.1  
          16 to 19 years...................   17,101     4,437      25.9      8,673     2,074      23.9      8,428     2,364      28.0  
          20 to 24 years...................   20,446     3,802      18.6     10,265     1,673      16.3     10,181     2,129      20.9  
       25 years and over...................  196,813    53,564      27.2     94,476    22,521      23.8    102,337    31,043      30.3  
          25 to 34 years...................   40,131     9,154      22.8     20,080     3,689      18.4     20,051     5,465      27.3  
          35 to 44 years...................   41,576    13,016      31.3     20,512     5,397      26.3     21,064     7,619      36.2  
          45 to 54 years...................   44,104    13,189      29.9     21,597     5,682      26.3     22,507     7,507      33.4  
          55 to 64 years...................   33,696     9,456      28.1     16,222     4,196      25.9     17,474     5,260      30.1  
          65 years and over................   37,306     8,749      23.5     16,065     3,558      22.1     21,241     5,191      24.4  
     Race and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity                                                                                              
     White.................................  189,916    53,078      27.9     92,930    22,756      24.5     96,986    30,322      31.3  
     Black or African American.............   27,939     5,325      19.1     12,564     2,065      16.4     15,376     3,260      21.2  
     Asian.................................   10,826     2,022      18.7      5,138       881      17.1      5,688     1,141      20.1  
     Hispanic or Latino ethnicity..........   32,369     4,662      14.4     16,645     1,936      11.6     15,724     2,726      17.3  
           Educational attainment (1)                                                                                                   
     Less than a high school diploma.......   25,879     2,427       9.4     12,787       954       7.5     13,092     1,473      11.3  
     High school graduates, no college (2)    60,719    10,998      18.1     29,272     4,510      15.4     31,448     6,489      20.6  
     Some college or associate degree .....   51,812    15,519      30.0     23,521     5,978      25.4     28,290     9,541      33.7  
     Bachelor's degree and higher (3)......   58,403    24,620      42.2     28,896    11,080      38.3     29,507    13,539      45.9  
                 Marital status                                                                                                         
     Single, never married.................   66,079    13,475      20.4     35,308     6,080      17.2     30,770     7,394      24.0  
     Married, spouse present...............  122,784    38,827      31.6     61,944    17,474      28.2     60,840    21,352      35.1  
     Other marital status (4)..............   45,497     9,502      20.9     16,162     2,714      16.8     29,336     6,788      23.1  
            Presence of own children                                                                                                    
               under 18 years (5)                                                                                                       
     Without own children under 18.........  168,293    39,485      23.5     84,432    17,377      20.6     83,861    22,108      26.4  
     With own children under 18............   66,067    22,318      33.8     28,982     8,891      30.7     37,085    13,427      36.2  
               Employment status                                                                                                        
     Civilian labor force..................  155,512    44,313      28.5     82,922    20,589      24.8     72,589    23,723      32.7  
       Employed............................  145,737    42,131      28.9     77,460    19,661      25.4     68,277    22,470      32.9  
         Full time (6).....................  120,063    33,344      27.8     68,604    17,377      25.3     51,458    15,966      31.0  
         Part time (7).....................   25,674     8,788      34.2      8,856     2,284      25.8     16,818     6,504      38.7  
       Unemployed..........................    9,775     2,181      22.3      5,462       928      17.0      4,313     1,253      29.0  
     Not in the labor force................   78,848    17,491      22.2     30,492     5,679      18.6     48,357    11,812      24.4  

       1 Data refer to persons 25 years and over.
       2 Includes persons with a high school diploma or equivalent.
       3 Includes persons with bachelor's, professional, and doctoral degrees.  
       4 Includes divorced, separated, and widowed persons.
       5 Own children include sons, daughters, stepchildren, and adopted children.  Not included are nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and
     other related and unrelated children.
       6 Usually work 35 hours or more a week at all jobs.
       7 Usually work less than 35 hours a week at all jobs.
       NOTE:  Data on volunteers relate to persons who performed unpaid volunteer activities for an organization at any point from
     September 1, 2007, through the survey period in September 2008.  Estimates for the above race groups (white, black or African
     American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not presented for all races.  Persons whose ethnicity is identified as
     Hispanic or Latino may be of any race.

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Last Modified Date: January 23, 2009