Viewing and Discussing the
New Directions

The New Directions videotape highlights key recommendations and promising practices cited throughout New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century. The 18-minute videotape has five key segments that correspond to the five global challenges presented in New Directions.

The videotape-related sample questions provided in this booklet serve as a foundation to elicit discussions among a general viewing audience. Each global challenge presented in the videotape is followed by a series of thought-provoking questions relating specifically to the corresponding challenge. The questions also have been tailored to meet the needs of discipline-specific viewing audiences.

The Office for Victims of Crime supported the development of this videotape as an educational tool to introduce New Directions to a variety of audiences. For example, the videotape can be used to train staff members, at general and discipline-specific conferences, as part of a keynote address, at a media briefing, at a community forum or panel presentation, and at victim issue-related task force and advisory group meetings.

For audiences who are familiar with issues relating to victims' rights and services, the videotape can be reviewed in advance to identify where key "stop" and "start" points are located as they naturally relate to the videotape's overview of the five global challenges. The videotape's introduction to each of these challenges presents an excellent opportunity to stop and highlight the suggested questions found under each global challenge. However, for audiences not familiar with victims' rights and services, the videotape may be reviewed in its entirety before audience questions are solicited.


New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century

This document was last updated on June 26, 2008