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"The Art of the Deal: Making It Happen"

National Minority Enterprise Development Week (MEDWEEK) 2005

September 11-14, 2005    
(Select thumbnail to view larger image)


MBDA Director Ronald Langston at podium during MEDWEEK 2005
Chiling Tong at podium
Mr. Tim Reid and Daphne Reed at podium
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston at podium during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston with Mr. Tim Reid and Daphne Reid
MBDA Director Ronald Langston at podium during MEDWEEK 2005
MEDWEEK 2005 Panel discussion
Kwame Jackson is greeted by participants during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston with Michael Brown presents the Ronald H. Brown award to Secretary Norman V. Mineta during MEDWEEK 2005
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and Chiling Tong durign Awards Ceremony at MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston greets participants to the MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MBDA Director Ronald Langston greets participants to the MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MBDA Director Ronald Langston greets participants to the MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MBDA Director Ronald Langston greets participants to the MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
MEDWEEK 2005 Business Exhibits
Commerce Secretary greets participants to MEDWEEK 2005
Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez gives remarks at MEDWEEK 2005
Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez gives remarks at MEDWEEK 2005
Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez gives remarks at MEDWEEK 2005
Commerce Secretary greets participants to MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston presents award during MEDWEEK 2005
MBDA Director Ronald Langston at podium during MEDWEEK 2005
Small Business Administration Deputy Administrator Hector Barreto gives remarks
Mr. Tim Reid and Daphne Reed at podium
Mr. Tim Reid and Daphne Reed at podium
Mr. Tim Reid and Daphne Reed at podium

  US Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
Last Updated: January 11, 2007 3:30 PM

Contact Secretary Gutierrez by e-mail at cgutierrez@doc.gov.
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