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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 7-6. Trending: Composite-level Results

Patient Safety Culture Composites Composite Average Percent Positive Response
Most Recent Previous Change Maximum Increase Maximum Decrease Average Increase Average Decrease
1. Teamwork Within Units 80% 79% 1% 18% -14% 5% -5%
2. Supervisor/Manager Expectations & Actions Promoting Patient Safety 76% 74% 2% 21% -19% 5% -6%
3. Management Support for Patient Safety 73% 72% 1% 27% -24% 8% -6%
4. Organizational Learning-Continuous Improvement 73% 71% 2% 38% -17% 7% -4%
5. Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety 68% 65% 3% 25% -16% 7% -5%
6. Feedback & Communication About Error 63% 62% 1% 21% -19% 6% -5%
7. Communication Openness 63% 61% 2% 25% -23% 7% -5%
8. Frequency of Events Reported 63% 61% 2% 19% -28% 7% -6%
9. Teamwork Across Units 61% 59% 2% 27% -18% 7% -5%
10. Staffing 57% 57% 0% 31% -18% 6% -6%
11. Handoffs & Transitions 49% 48% 1% 41% -22% 6% -5%
12. Nonpunitive Response to Error 47% 44% 3% 25% -15% 6% -6%

Note: Based on data from 98 hospitals that repeated survey administration and data submission; the number of respondents was 20,902 in the most recent database and 17,868 in the previous database.

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care