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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 4-1. Distribution of Database Respondents by Work Area/Unit

Work Area/Unit 2008 Database Respondents
Number Percent
Other 48,457 33%
Surgery 14,327 10%
Medicine 13,228 9%
Many different hospital units/
No specific unit
12,896 9%
Intensive care unit (any type) 9,845 7%
Radiology 8,439 6%
Emergency 7,846 5%
Laboratory 7,740 5%
Obstetrics 5,800 4%
Rehabilitation 5,708 4%
Pharmacy 4,159 3%
Pediatrics 4,044 3%
Psychiatry/mental health 3,308 2%
Anesthesiology 1,115 1%
Total  146,912 100%
Missing: Did not answer or were not asked the question 13,264  
Overall total 160,176  

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