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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table 3.1. Distribution of Database Hospitals and Respondents by Bed Size (Compared to AHA-registered U.S. Hospitals)

Bed Size AHA-registered U.S. Hospitals 2008 Database Hospitals 2008 Database Respondents
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
6-24 beds 607 10% 58 11% 3,601 2%
25-49 beds 1,374 22% 131 25% 12,421 8%
50-99 beds 1,329 21% 98 19% 14,243 9%
100-199 beds 1,341 21% 86 17% 22,092 14%
200-299 beds 704 11% 57 11% 27,730 17%
300-399 beds 402 6% 42 8% 27,568 17%
400 or more beds 523 8% 47 9% 52,521 33%
Total 6,280 100% 519 100% 160,176 100%

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