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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Chart 5-2. Item-level Average Percent Positive Response—Across All 2008 Database Hospitals

Bar chart shows the average percent positive response for 42 survey items. Select Text Description [D] for details. Bar chart shows the average percent positive response for 42 survey items. Select Text Description [D] for details. Bar chart shows the average percent positive response for 42 survey items. Select Text Description [D] for details. Bar chart shows the average percent positive response for 42 survey items. Select Text Description [D] for details.

Note: The item’s survey location is shown to the left. An “R” indicates a negatively worded item, where the percent positive response is based on those who responded “Strongly disagree” or “Disagree,” or “Never” or “Rarely” (depending on the response category used for the item).

[D] Select for Text Description.

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