U.S. Census Bureau

Windows Interface for X-12-ARIMA Download Page

This page contains distribution files and installation instructions for the Windows Interface to X-12-ARIMA.

Documentation for the program is also available.

Distribution Files:

Note that the Windows Interface is distributed using ZIP compressed files. A separate utility that can extract ZIP files is required if your operating system (versions of Windows® before Windows 2000) does not provide one, such as the ZIP Reader from PKWARE® This link to a non-federal Web site does not imply endorsement of any particular product, company, or content.

Contains five files:
Three files (RunX12.exe, RunX12.ini, and x12a.exe) needed to run the Windows Interface with Version 0.3 of X-12-ARIMA.
Also contains a test spec (airline.spc), a converter utility that converts X-12-ARIMA output to HTML (cnvout2html.exe), and the documentation (WinX12Doc.htm). (about 1.16M)
Last update: June 15, 2007

Contains only the files related to the Windows Interface:
RunX12.exe, RunX12.ini, and WinX12Doc.htm. (about 78K)
Last update: June 15, 2007

Contains x12a.exe (the X-12-ARIMA executable), airline.spc (a sample input specification file), The Reference Manual and PC Quick refrence in a subdirectory named docs, and three Icon programs to assist users of X-12-ARIMA: cnvfinal03.exe (which converts input files used for Version 0.2.10 of X-12-ARIMA into input files suitable for Version 0.3 of X-12-ARIMA), cnvout2html.exe (which converts X-12-ARIMA output files into accessible HTML) and x12diag03.exe (which produces a summary of the seasonal adjustment diagnostics produced by X-12-ARIMA). (about 3.01 Meg)
Last update: June 15, 2007

The program will also run other versions of X-12, such as Version 0.2.10, if you have them installed on your computer.

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Installation Instructions

  1. Create a folder for the program. Copy the zip file winx12.zip to the folder. Uncompress the file.
  2. Edit the file runx12.ini to match your settings. WARNING: The program will not run if directories in the runx12.ini file do not already exist.

Now you are ready to run the program. Open (double click on) the file RunX12.exe to start the program.

Contact Information

Questions about downloading or installing the program? Please contact Demetra Lytras:

email: demetra.p.lytras@census.gov
phone: (301) 763-7426

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