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Department of Homeland Security Announces Summer Research Opportunities for Faculty and Student Research Teams from Minority Serving Institutions

Release Date: 04/21/05 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: Donald Tighe, 202-282-8010
April 21, 2005

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, Office of University Programs, is seeking applications for summer research appointments for faculty and student research teams from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Universities to conduct research at DHS affiliated venues. The research appointments are for summer, 2005.  

The intent of the DHS Summer Faculty and Student Research Team Program is to provide those who have limited DHS research experience an opportunity to engage in homeland security-related research at one of the participating DHS-affiliated venues.  The Team shall consist of one faculty and up to two students. These University Programs research opportunities are aligned to support the missions and goals of DHS, and the selected faculty/student teams will conduct science and engineering research in areas of interest to the Department of Homeland Security.

Summer research opportunities will be awarded to faculty members and students qualified in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) disciplines for work on collaborative research of mutual interest to the selected Research Teams and the DHS-affiliated venues. For the summer of 2005, each Team will work with a designated Homeland Security Center of Excellence. DHS Centers of Excellence are located at the University of Southern California, the University of Minnesota, Texas A&M University, and the University of Maryland.

Program Description

Program Duration:  10--12 weeks; May through August 2005

Program Location:   DHS Centers of Excellence

Program Funding:  Collaborative faculty and student research opportunities are funded by DHS S&T, University Programs. The awards include $1,200 a week for faculty, $600 a week for graduate students (those that have completed their first year of graduate work), and $500 a week for undergraduate students (those that have completed their first year of undergraduate work). Participation is full-time. The maximum stipend for faculty is $14,400; for graduate students $7,200; and for undergraduates $6000. A relocation allowance of $1,500 will be provided to faculty members who live more than fifty miles, one-way, from their assigned venue. Limited travel expenses for one round-trip will be reimbursed for faculty who receive the relocation allowance. Maximum combined allowance is $2,000 for both relocation and travel. Limited travel expenses for one round-trip will be reimbursed for graduate and undergraduate students living more than fifty miles, one-way, from their assigned venue.

Applicant Eligibility: Faculty members and students must be U.S. citizens. Faculty members and students must have coverage under a health insurance plan before arriving at the appointment site and maintain it during the appointment. A faculty member must be tenured or on a tenure-track position at an eligible institution (see full program description at http://www.orau.gov/dhsfaculty/ ). A minimum of two years full-time research and/or teaching experience is preferred for the faculty member. A PhD in an engineering, mathematics, or science discipline applicable to homeland security mission research areas is highly desirable for the faculty member. The student team members must be at least 18 years or older at the start of the program and currently enrolled as of fall 2005 as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student. Student team members majoring in an engineering, mathematics, or science discipline are highly desirable.

Basis of Research Team Selections:  Recommendations of Teams will be submitted by DHS to DHS S&T. DHS S&T University Programs will make the final selections of teams. Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Relevance and intrinsic merit of the research (40%), faculty applicant qualifications (40%), academic benefit (10%), and student applicant qualifications (10%).

Student Selection:  Faculty members are responsible for identifying up to two qualified students with whom they will work and submit a joint application. Faculty members are expected to recruit students who have an appropriate background and skill set for the research that the Team will accomplish during their appointment.

Persons with Disabilities:  DHS is fully committed to implementing all Federal laws, regulations and guidelines related to the development of affirmative employment plans and inclusion of persons with disabilities. Therefore, we strongly encourage the participation of persons with disabilities in the Summer Faculty and Student Research Team Program. To facilitate the participation of individuals with targeted disabilities, DHS will provide up to $1,500 in supplemental funding for special assistance and/or equipment necessary to enable the researchers to perform the work under the award.

DHS Award Liability:  DHS reserves the right to make no awards and in the absence of subsequent program funding or for any other reason, to cancel this program. DHS assumes no liability for canceling the program or for anyone’s failure to receive actual notification of cancellation.

Applications must be received electronically by email or via postal mail by April 27, 2005.

To view full program and application guidelines, please visit http://www.orau.gov/dhsfaculty/  


This page was last reviewed/modified on 04/21/05 00:00:00.