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Department of Homeland Security and Minor League Baseball Team Up To Promote Emergency Preparedness

Release Date: 04/14/05 00:00:00

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
Contact: 202-282-8010
April 14, 2005

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security today announced that for the third season in a row, it is joining Minor League Baseball to promote emergency preparedness. During the 2005 season, 48 teams across the nation will educate and encourage their fans to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses and schools by featuring Ready campaign information in their ballparks, beginning April 14th, 2005.

“I am delighted Minor League Baseball is joining us again this season to highlight the importance of public emergency preparedness,” said Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. “The teams' efforts throughout the spring and summer will help remind fans of the simple steps they can take to prepare: get a kit, make a plan and be informed.”

Many teams will take part in the effort by featuring Ready campaign television or radio public service announcements in their ballparks and/or game programs. Ready asks citizens to do three key things: get an emergency supply kit, make a family communications plan, and be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses. By providing this important information, teams are helping to prepare fans and their communities to respond to potential emergencies.

“Our clubs strive to be vital parts of their communities,” said Mike Moore, President and CEO of Minor League Baseball. “They’re extremely proud to be able to work with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Boy Scouts of America in helping educate Americans on how to better prepare their families in case of a public emergency through the Ready campaign.”

Boy Scout troops across the nation will also take part in the effort again this season by distributing Ready brochures during selected Minor League Baseball games. The Boy Scouts’ motto, “Be Prepared,” and its collaboration with Minor League Baseball to distribute emergency preparedness information allows the organization to support efforts to better prepare communities. In addition, the Boy Scouts’ participation in this initiative allows scouts to earn the Good Turn for America Award, which fosters joint community service projects between the Boy Scouts and organizations like Homeland Security.

“Each year, Scouts across America fulfill the Scout Oath of ‘helping other people at all times’ by participating in a wide variety of service projects,” said Roy L. Williams, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. “One of the most important service projects Scouts complete each year is helping communities ‘be prepared’ for emergencies.”

This effort between Homeland Security, Minor League Baseball and the Boy Scouts of America is an example of the strategic relationships the Department has secured with a variety of organizations to disseminate preparedness messages and materials to the public.

The Ready campaign is a national public service advertising campaign produced by the Ad Council in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Ready is designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to potential terrorist attacks and other emergencies. The campaign works closely with Citizen Corps, Homeland Security’s grass-roots program, to localize Ready’s messages and provide a local presence to advocate action and answer citizen’s questions on preparedness. Individuals interested in receiving a "Get Ready Now" brochure may call 1-800-BE-READY or visit Ready.gov  for more information. To get involved in preparing your community, contact your local Citizen Corps Council.  


This page was last reviewed/modified on 04/14/05 00:00:00.