Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Atlas of North Dakota Butterflies

Summer Azure (Celastrina neglecta)

  • BND: Summer Azure; Celastrina neglecta (W. H. Edwards, 1862)
    Spring Azure; Celastrina ladon (Cramer, 1780)
  • BNA: Summer Azure; Celastrina neglecta
    Spring Azure; Celastrina “ladon”
  • Habitat: Most often associated with Amalanchier blooms in spring, Cornus in summer
  • Larval food: Prunus in west; Cornus, Viburnum, etc. in north and east.
  • Adult flight: The Summer Azure flies in July and August; the Spring Azure appears in May.
  • References: Royer 104, Layberry et al. 152-153, Ferris & Brown 221, Opler & Krizek 116, Scott 396
  • Note: This is actually a complex of sibling species the systematics of which are currently being worked out. We probably have two species in ND, best differentiated by flight times and larval hosts. The figures at right with dark backgrounds represent summer examples of what is probably best referred to as Celastrina neglecta.
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