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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

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Homeland Security Components

Environmental Measurements Laboratory

EML lab

The Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) located in New York City, is a Government-owned, Government-operated facility organized under and operated by the Department of Homeland Security Directorate of Science and Technology. In partnership with the Directorate of Science and Technology Test & Evaluation Standards Division, EML provides technical support to Directorate programs and to Department components such as the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The Laboratory advances and applies the science and technology required for preventing, protecting against, and responding to homeland security threats, especially in the area of radiological and nuclear threats. As a Directorate of Science and Technology-managed federal laboratory, EML seeks to improve the understanding of current and future threats through research, development, testing and evaluation. The EML team provides a test and evaluation capability for the Department-developed technologies and systems. Its central Manhattan location and its broad-ranging relationships with the Tri-State region’s homeland security community, complement EML’s test and evaluation capability by enabling the use of the New York metropolitan area as an urban test bed.

Additionally, EML provides New York area operational-level and responder organizations with technical assistance in the operation of homeland security technologies and supporting technical reachback capabilities. Through its interface and outreach efforts, EML promotes the acceptance and integration of homeland security technologies and standards, which greatly benefits the acceleration, delivery, and successful deployment of enhanced technological capabilities to the end-users.  For more information visit the EML Web site.


U.S. Department of Homeland Security
201 Varick Street - 5th Floor
New York, NY 10014-7447

This page was last reviewed/modified on November 19, 2008.