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TAO/EPIC  logo EPIC Workshop at PMEL, Seattle WA




Monday, 25 March 2002

Plenary sessions devoted to presentations relevant to each of the following (session organizer):

0800-0830 Powerpoint presenters please test your system in seminar room.
0830-1000 Plenary session on ITCZ (Raymond)
1030-1200 Plenary session on cross-equatorial flow (Esbensen)

1330-1500 Plenary session on ocean structure (Gregg)
1530-1700 Plenary session on stratus region (Bretherton)

Tuesday, 26 March 2002

0830-1000 Plenary session on data status, instrument problems, etc.
1030-1200 Breakout groups on main objectives (session organizer):

    ITCZ (Raymond)
    Cross-equatorial flow (Esbensen)
    Oceanic mixed layer (Gregg)
    Stratus region (Bretherton)
1330-1500 Self-organized breakout groups
1530-1700 Plenary session...
    Identify and discuss collaborations that have emerged or need to be fostered, and discuss whether we are adequately covering the bases regarding EPIC data analysis.


The meeting will be held at NOAA/PMEL Building 3 in the Oceanographer Room (aka Seminar Room).

    NOAA/PMEL Bldg #3 Oceanographer Room
    7600 Sand Point Way
    Seattle, WA 98115

The campus is under increased security. All visitors must present ID. A "Visitor" name badge will be given to you by the PMEL Bldg #3 guard (main door). This badge is valid for March 25-26, 2002 and must be worn at all times while on the NOAA WRC campus.

Contact person for EPIC visitors:
    Meghan Cronin   p: 206-526-6449; f: 206-526-6744; e:
    or Vallapha Chaijaroen   p: 206-526-6890.

Maps, with directions from SeaTac airport, can be obtained via the Web at:


A block of rooms has been set aside at the Silver Cloud Inn (University District) under the name "EPIC Meeting". The negotiated discount rate is $109/day, which includes breakfast. Please call the hotel and make your reservation with a credit card (reference the name "EPIC Meeting") by February 20. After this date, the block of rooms will be released and the Silver Cloud Inn cannot guarantee availability of space or the negotiated room rate.

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