U.S. Census Bureau

The Simplified Questionnaire Test (SQT): Results from Debriefing Interviews

Nancy Bates

KEY WORDS: post-test, respondent debriefing, mail questionnaire experiment


This paper summarizes results from a respondent telephone debriefing interview conducted following the 1992 Simplified Questionnaire Test (SQT) -- a mailout-mailback test of four experimental Census forms. The experimental forms included a user-friendly booklet style form, a shortened “micro” form, a microform requesting Social Security Number (SSN), and a dramatically shortened “postcard” Census form. The debriefing questions asked about the respondent’s experience completing the test forms (e.g., did they fill it out immediately; did they stop part way through; were there questions they didn’t care to answer?). The debriefing also gathered impressions about the mailing pieces that accompanied the form (e.g., did they recall receiving the prenotice letter; the follow-up postcard?).

CITATION: Nancy Bates. 1992. The Simplified Questionnaire Test (SQT): Results from Debriefing Interviews. SRD Research Report Series (Survey Methodology #2006-3). Washington DC: U.S. Census Bureau

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Research Division

Created: January 27, 2007
Last revised: January 27, 2007