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Great Seal Foreign Relations Series

Foreign Relations Volumes:
1861 to Date

Go to the List Now

Volumes appeared in various editions and under varying titles until 1870, when the series became known as Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. In 1947 (beginning with the volumes for 1932) the title Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers was adopted. In 1969 (beginning with the volumes for 1946) the title was shortened to its present form.

All volumes through 1951 are no longer in print at the Government Printing Office, but they may be available in print or microform from publishing clearinghouses or commercial reprinting firms. In addition, the Foreign Relations series is in most Federal Depository Libraries.

Those volumes still in print may be ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. The Government Printing Office has also established a Standing Order Service for the Foreign Relations series, which allows customers to receive each volume of the series automatically as soon as it is issued; the order code is ZFRUS. Contact a local GPO bookstore or call (202) 512-1800 for information on the Standing Order Service and for availability and price of individual volumes. This information is subject to change, without notice, by the Government Printing Office.

The following list is arranged by Presidential administration. The year of publication of the volume (Government Printing Office imprint) is shown in parentheses.

Foreign Relations Series Volumes by President

1861-1865, Abraham Lincoln
1865-1869, Andrew Johnson
1869-1877, Ulysses S. Grant
1877-1881, Rutherford B. Hayes
1881, James A. Garfield
1881-1885, Chester A. Arthur
1885-1889, Grover Cleveland
1889-1893, Benjamin Harrison
1894-1898, Grover Cleveland
1897-1901, William McKinley
1901-1909, Theodore Roosevelt
      1909-1913, William Howard Taft
1913-1921, Woodrow Wilson
1921-1923, Warren G. Harding
1923-1929, Calvin Coolidge
1929-1933, Herbert Hoover
1933-1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt
1945-1953, Harry S. Truman
1953-1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower
1961-1963, John F. Kennedy
1963-1969, Lyndon B. Johnson
1969-1975, Richard M. Nixon

1861-1865, Abraham Lincoln
1861 (1861)
1862, Part I (1862); Part II (1862)
1863, Part I (1864); Part II (1864)
1864, Part I (1865); Part II (1865); Part III (1865); Part IV (1865)

1865-1869, Andrew Johnson
Part I (1866)
Part II (1866)
Part III (1866)
Part IV, Appendix: The assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the attempted assassination of William H. Seward and Frederick W. Seward (1866)
1866, Part I (1867); Part II (1867); Part III (1867)
1867, Part I (1868); Part II (1868)
1868, Part I (1869); Part II (1869)

1869-1877, Ulysses S. Grant
1869 (Although no official volume appeared for this year, certain diplomatic correspondence was published in House and Senate Executive Documents of the 41st Congress, second session.)
1870 (1870)
1871 (1871)
Part I (1873)
Part II (vols. I-III): Geneva Arbitration (1872); (vol. IV): Geneva Arbitration (1873); (vol. V): Berlin Arbitration (1872)
Part I (vols.I-II) (1873)
Part II (vol. III): Papers relating to the American and British Joint Claims Commission (1874)
1874 (1874)
vol. I (1875)
vol. II (1875)
1876 (1876)

1877-1881, Rutherford B. Hayes
1877 (1877); Appendix; Correspondence relative to the Improvement of Commercial Intercourse between the United States and Foreign Countries (1877)
1878 (1878)
1879 (1879)
1880 (1880)

1881, James A. Garfield
1881 (1882)

1881-1885, Chester A. Arthur
1882 (1883)
1883 (1884)
1884 (1885)

1885-1889, Grover Cleveland
1885 (1886)
1886 (1887)
1887 (1888)
Part I (1889)
Part II (1889)

1889-1893, Benjamin Harrison
1889 (1890)
1890 (1891)
1891 (1892)
1892 (1893)

1893-1897, Grover Cleveland
1893 (1894)
1894 (1895)
Appendix I: Chinese-Japanese War; Enforcement of regulation respective to fur seals; Mosquito Territory, Affairs at Bluefields; Claim of Antonio Maximo Mora; Import duties on certain products of Colombia, Haiti, and Venezuela; Affairs in the Samoan Islands (1895)
Appendix II: Affairs in Hawaii (1895); Nicaragua (Mosquito Territory) (1895)
Part I (1896)
Part II (1896)
1896 (1897)

1897-1901, William McKinley
1897 (1898)
1898 (1901)
1899 (1901)
INDEX, 1861-1899 (1902)
1901 (1902)

1901-1909, Theodore Roosevelt
1901 (1902)
Appendix: Affairs in China (1902)
1902 (1903)
Appendix I: Whaling and Sealing Claims against Russia (1903)
Appendix II: Pious Funds of the Californias (1903)
Appendix III: Pious Funds of the Californias (1902)
1903 (1904)
1904 (1905)
1905 (1906)
Part I (1909)
Part II (1909)
Part I (1910)
Part II (1910)
1908 (1912)

1909-1913, William Howard Taft
1909 (1914)
1910 (1915)
1911 (1918)
1912 (1919)

1913-1921, Woodrow Wilson
1913 (1920)
1914 (1922)
World War Supplement (1928)
1915 (1924)
World War Supplement (1928)
1916 (1925)
World War Supplement (1929)
1917 (1926)
World War Supplement I (1931)
World War Supplement II
vol. I (1932)
vol. II (1932)
1918 (1930)
World War Supplement I
vol. I (1933)
vol. II (1933)
World War Supplement II (1933) Russia
vol. I (1931)
vol. II (1932)
vol. III (1932)
INDEX, 1900-1918 (1941)
[covers annual volumes, but not the World War supplements or the Lansing Papers].
vol. I (1934)
vol. II (1934)
Russia (1937)
The Paris Peace Conference, 1919
vols. I-II (1942)
vols. III-IV (1943)
vols. V-IX (1946)
vol. X (1947)
vol. XI (1945)
vols. XII-XIII (1947)
The Lansing Papers, 1914-1920
vol. I (1939)
vol. II (1940)
vol. I (1935)
vols. II-III (1936)

1921-1923, Warren G. Harding
vols. I-II (1936)
vols. I-II (1938)

1923-1929, Calvin Coolidge
vols. I-II (1938)
vols. I-II (1939)
vols. I-II (1940)
vols. I-II (1941)
vols. I-III (1942)
vol. I (1942)
vols. II-III (1943)

1929-1933, Herbert Hoover
vols. I-II (1943)
vol. III (1944)
vols. I-III (1945)
vols. I-III (1946)
Japan, 1931-1941
vols. I-II (1943)
vol. I, General (1948)
vol. II, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa (1947)
vol. III, The Far East (1948)
vol. IV, The Far East (1948)
vol. V, The American Republics (1948)

1933-1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt
vol. I, General (1950)
vol. II, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa (1949)
vol. III, The Far East (1949)
vol. IV, The American Republics (1950)
vol. V, The American Republics (1952)
The Soviet Union, 1933-1939 (1952)
vol. I, General, The British Commonwealth (1951)
vol. II, Europe, Near East and Africa (1951)
vol. III, The Far East (1950)
vol. IV, The American Republics (1951)
vol. V, The American Republics (1952)
vol. I, General, The Near East and Africa (1953)
vol. II, The British Commonwealth, Europe (1952)
vol. III, The Far East (1953)
vol. IV, The American Republics (1953)
vol. I, General, The British Commonwealth (1953)
vol. II, Europe (1954)
vol. III, The Near East and Africa (1954)
vol. IV, The Far East (1954)
vol. V, The American Republics (1954)
vol. I, General (1954)
vol. II, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa (1954)
vol. III, The Far East (1954)
vol. IV, The Far East (1954)
vol. V, The American Republics (1954)
vol. I, General (1955)
vol. II, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa (1955)
vol. III, The Far East (1954)
vol. IV, The Far East (1955)
vol. V, The American Republics (1956)
vol. I, General (1956)
vol. II, General, The British Commonwealth and Europe (1956)
vol. III, The Far East (1955)
vol. IV, The Far East, The Near East and Africa (1955)
vol. V, The American Republics (1957)
vol. I, General (1959)
vol. II, General and Europe (1957)
vol. III, The British Commonwealth, the Soviet Union, Near East and Africa (1958)
vol. IV, The Far East (1955)
vol. V, The American Republics (1961)
vol. I, General, The Soviet Union (1958)
vol. II, Europe (1959)
vol. III, The British Commonwealth, The Near East and Africa (1959)
vol. IV, The Far East (1956)
vol. V, The Far East (1962)
vol. VI, The American Republics (1963)
vol. VII, The American Republics (1962)
vol. I, General, The British Commonwealth, The Far East (1960)
vol. II, Europe (1962)
vol. III, Europe (1961)
vol. IV, The Near East and Africa (1963)
vol. V, The American Republics (1962)
vol. VI, The American Republics (1963)
China (1956)
The Conferences at Washington, 1941-1942, and Casablanca, 1943 (1968)
The Conferences at Washington and Quebec, 1943 (1970)
The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943 (1961)
vol. I, General (1963)
vol. II, Europe (1964)
vol. III, The British Commonwealth, Eastern Europe, The Far East (1963)
vol. IV, The Near East and Africa (1964)
vol. V, The American Republics (1965)
vol. VI, The American Republics (1965)
China (1962)
vol. I, General (1966)
vol. II, General: Economic and Social Matters (1967)
vol. III, The British Commonwealth, Europe, (1965)
vol. IV, Europe (1966)
vol. V, The Near East, South Asia, Africa, The Far East (1965)
vol. VI, China (1967)
vol. VII, The American Republics (1967)
The Conference at Quebec, 1944 (1972)
The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945 (1955)

1945-1953, Harry S. Truman
The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, 2 vols. (1960)
vol. I, General: The United Nations (1967)
vol. II, General: Political and Economic Matters (1967)
vol. III, The European Advisory Commission, Austria, Germany (1968)
vol. IV, Europe (1968)
vol. V, Europe (1967)
vol. VI, The British Commonwealth, The Far East (1969)
vol. VII, The Far East: China (1969)
vol. VIII, The Near East and Africa (1969)
vol. IX, The American Republics (1969)
vol. I, General; The United Nations (1972)
vol. II, Council of Foreign Ministers (1970)
vol. III, Paris Peace Conference: Proceedings (1970)
vol. IV, Paris Peace Conference: Documents (1970)
vol. V, The British Commonwealth; Western and Central Europe (1969)
vol. VI, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union (1969)
vol. VII, The Near East and Africa (1969)
vol. VIII, The Far East (1971)
vol. IX, The Far East: China (1972)
vol. X, The Far East: China (1972)
vol. XI, The American Republics (1969)
vol. I, General; The United Nations (1973)
vol. II, Council of Foreign Ministers; Germany and Austria (1972)
vol. III, The British Commonwealth; Europe (1972)
vol. IV, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union (1972)
vol. V, The Near East and Africa (1972)
vol. VI, The Far East (1972)
vol. VII, The Far East: China (1972)
vol. VIII, The American Republics (1972)
Memoranda of Conversation of the Secretary of State, 1947-1952. Microfiche Supplement (1988)
vol. I, General; United Nations, Part 1 (1975)
vol. I, General; United Nations, Part 2 (1976)
vol. II, Germany and Austria (1973)
vol. III, Western Europe (1974)
vol. IV, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union (1974)
vol. V, The Near East, South Asia,and Africa, Part 1 (1975)
vol. V, The Near East, South Asia, and Africa, Part 2 (1976)
vol. VI, The Far East and Australasia (1974)
vol. VII, The Far East: China (1973)
vol. VIII, The Far East: China (1973)
vol. IX, The Western Hemisphere (1972)
vol. I, National Security Affairs, Foreign Economic Policy (1976)
vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere (1975)
vol. III, Council of Foreign Ministers; Germany and Austria (1974)
vol. IV, Western Europe (1975)
vol. V, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union (1976)
vol. VI, The Near East, South Asia, and Africa (1977)
vol. VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 1 (1975)
vol. VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 2 (1977)
vol. VIII, The Far East: China (1978)
vol. IX. The Far East: China (1974)
Memoranda of the Secretary of State, 1949-1951, and the Meetings and Visits of Foreign Dignitaries, 1949-1952. Microfiche Supplement (1989)
vol. I, National Security Affairs; Foreign Economic Policy (1977)
vol. II, The United Nations; The Western Hemisphere (1976)
vol. III, Western Europe (1977)
vol. IV, Central and Eastern Europe; Soviet Union (1981)
vol. V, The Near East, South Asia, and Africa (1978)
vol. VI, East Asia and the Pacific (1976)
vol. VII, Korea (1976)
vol. I, National Security Affairs; Foreign Economic Policy (1980)
vol. II, United Nations; Western Hemisphere (1979)
vol. III, European Security and the German Question, Part 1 (1982)
vol. III, European Security and the German Question, Part 2 (1982)
vol. IV, Europe: Political and Economic Relations (1985) $30.00
vol. V, The Near East and Africa (1982)
vol. VI, Asia and the Pacific, Part 1 (1978)
vol. VI, Asia and the Pacific, Part 2 (1978)
vol. VII, Korea and China (1983) $30.00
1945-1950, Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment (1996) $48.00

1953-1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower
vol. I, General and Political Matters (1984)
vol. II, National Security Affairs (1984)
vol. III, United Nations Affairs (1979)
vol. IV, The American Republics (1984)
vol. V, Western European Security (1983)
vol. VI, Western Europe and Canada (1987) $41.00
vol. VII, Germany and Austria (1986) $38.00
vol. VIII, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union (1988) $33.00
vol. IX, The Near and Middle East (1986) $45.00
vol. X, Iran (1951-1954) (1989) $38.00
vol. XI, Africa and South Asia (1983)
vol. XII, East Asia and Pacific, Part 1 (1984) $20.00
vol. XII, East Asia and Pacific, Part 2 (1984) $23.00
vol. XIII, Indochina (1982)
vol. XIV, China and Japan (1985)
vol. XV, Korea (1984)
vol. XVI, The Geneva Conference: Korea and Indochina (1981)
Secretary of State's Memoranda of Conversation, November 1952-December 1954. Microfiche Supplement (1992)

vol. I, Vietnam (1985) $23.00
vol. II, China (1986) $23.00
vol. III, China (1986) $21.00
vol. III, China. Microfiche Supplement (1987)
vol. IV, Western European Security and Integration (1986)
vol. V, The Austrian State Treaty; The Summit Conference, 1955; The Foreign Ministers Meeting, 1955 (1989) $27.00
vol. VI, American Republics: Multilateral Relations; Mexico; the Caribbean (1987) $28.00
vol. VII, American Republics: Central and South America (1987) $29.00
vol. VIII, South Asia (1987) $17.00
vol. IX, Foreign Economic Policy; Foreign Information Program (1987) $19.00
vol. X, Foreign Aid and Economic Defense Policy (1989) $35.00
vol. XI, United Nations and General International Matters (1988) $24.00
vol. XII, Near East: Multilateral Relations; Iran; Iraq (1992) $39.00
vol. XIII, Near East: Jordan-Yemen (1989) $24.00
vol. XIV, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1955 (1989) $34.00
vol. XV, Arab-Israeli Dispute, January 1-July 26, 1956 (1989) $34.00
vol. XVI, Suez Canal Crisis, July 27-December 31, 1956 (1990) $41.00
vol. XVII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1957 (1990) $33.00
vol. XVIII, Africa (1989) $32.00
vol. XIX, National Security Policy (1990) $28.00
vol. XX, Regulation of Armaments and Atomic Energy (1990) $30.00
vol. XXI, East Asian Security; Laos; Cambodia (1990) $45.00
vol. XXII, Southeast Asia (1989) $41.00
vol. XXIII, Part 1, Japan (1991) $24.00
vol. XXIII, Part 2, Korea (1993) $26.00
vol. XXIV, The Soviet Union; Eastern Mediterranean (1989) $30.00
vol. XXV, Eastern Europe (1990) $28.00
vol. XXVI, Central and Southeastern Europe (1992) $32.00
vol. XXVII, Western Europe and Canada (1992) $35.00

vol. I, Vietnam (1986) $18.00
vol. II, United Nations; General International Matters (1991) $35.00
vol. III, National Security Policy (1996) $58.00
vol. IV, Foreign Economic Policy (1992) $35.00
vol. V, American Republics (1991) $34.00
vol. VI, Cuba (1991) $39.00
vol. VII, Part 1, Western European Integration and Canada (1993) $36.00
vol. VII, Part 2, Western Europe (1993) $38.00
vol. VIII, The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1959; Foreign Ministers Meeting, 1959 (1993) $47.00
vol. IX, The Berlin Crisis, 1959-1960; Germany; Austria (1993) $38.00
vol. X, Part 1, Eastern Europe; Soviet Union; Cyprus (1993) $39.00
vol. X, Part 2, Eastern Europe Region; Poland; Greece; Turkey; Yugoslavia (1994) $38.00
vol. XI, Lebanon and Jordan (1992) $30.00
vol. XII, Near East Region; Iraq; Iran; Arabian Peninsula (1993) $38.00
vol. XIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute; United Arab Republic; North Africa (1992) $35.00
vol. XIV, Africa (1993) $33.00
vol. XV, South and Southeast Asia (1992) $45.00
vol. XVI, East Asia Regional; Laos; Cambodia (1992) $39.00
vol. XVII, Indonesia (1994) $29.00
vol. XVIII, Japan and Korea (1994) $33.00
vol. XIX, China (1996) $38.00

Microfiche Supplements
vol. III, National Security Policy; Arms Control (1998) $37.00
vol. V, American Republics (1992)
vol. XI, Lebanon and Jordan (1992)
vol. XV/XVI, Part 1, Burma; Malaya-Singapore; East Asia Region; Cambodia (1993)
vol. XV/XVI, Part 2, Laos (1993)
vol. XVII/XVIII, Indonesia; Japan; Korea (1995)
vol. XIX, China (1996) $20.00

1961-1963, John F. Kennedy
vol. I, Vietnam, 1961 (1988) $21.00
vol. II, Vietnam, 1962 (1990) $36.00
vol. III, Vietnam, January-August 1963 (1991) $27.00
vol. IV, Vietnam, August-December 1963 (1991) $30.00
vol. V, Soviet Union (1998) $46.00
vol. VI, Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges (1996) $19.00
vol. VII, Arms Control and Disarmament (1995) $42.00
vol. VIII, National Security Policy (1996) $37.00
vol. IX, Foreign Economic Policy (1995) $38.00
vol. X, Cuba, January 1961-September 1962 (1997) $57.00
vol. XI, Cuban Missile Crisis and Aftermath (1997) $48.00
vol. XII, American Republics (1996) $41.00
vol. XIII, Western Europe and Canada (1994) $48.00
vol. XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962 (1994) $39.00
vol. XV, Berlin Crisis, 1962-1963 (1994) $32.00
vol. XVI, Eastern Europe; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey (1994) $36.00
vol. XVII, Near East, 1961-1962 (1995) $37.00
vol. XVIII, Near East, 1962-1963 (1995) $41.00
vol. XIX, South Asia (1996) $35.00
vol. XX, Congo Crisis (1995) $40.00
vol. XXI, Africa (1996) $32.00
vol. XXII, Northeast Asia (1996) $47.00
vol. XXIII, Southeast Asia (1995) $46.00
vol. XXIV, Laos Crisis (1994) $47.00
vol. XXV, General; United Nations

Microfiche Supplements
vol. VII/VIII/IX, Arms Control; National Security; Foreign Economic Policy (1997) $32.00
vol. X/XI/XII, Cuba; American Republics (1998) $32.00
vol. XIII/XIV/XV, Western Europe; Berlin (1995) $21.00
vol. XVII/XVII/XX/XXI, Near East; Congo; Africa (1997) $12.00
vol. XXII/XXIV, Northeast Asia; Laos (1997) $28.00

1963-1968, Lyndon B. Johnson
vol. I, Vietnam, 1964 (1992) $39.00
vol. II, Vietnam, January-June 1965 (1996) $37.00
vol. III, Vietnam, July-December 1965 (1996) $37.00
vol. IV, Vietnam, 1966 (1998) $53.00
vol. V, Vietnam, 1967 (in process)
vol. VI, Vietnam, 1968
vol. VII, Vietnam, 1968
vol. VIII, International Monetary and Trade Policy (1998) $52.00
vol. IX, International Development and Economic Defense Policy (1997) $46.00
vol. X, National Security Policy
vol. XI, Arms Control (1997) $43.00
vol. XII, Western Europe
vol. XIII, Western Europe Region (1995) $37.00
vol. XIV, Soviet Union (in process)
vol. XV, Berlin; Germany (1999) $45.00
vol. XVI, Cyprus; Greece; Turkey (in process)
vol. XVII, Eastern Europe (1996) $29.00
vol. XVIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1964-1967 (2000) $49.00
vol. XIX, Six-Day War
vol. XX, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1967-1968 (in process)
vol. XXI, Near East Region; Arab Peninsula (in process)
vol. XXII, Iran (1999) $37.00
vol. XXIII, Congo
vol. XXIV, Africa (1999) $65.00
vol. XXV, South Asia (in process)
vol. XXVI, Indonesia; Malaysia-Singapore; Philippines (in process)
vol. XXVII, Mainland Southeast Asia; Regional Affairs (2000) $54.00
vol. XXVIII, Laos (1998) $43.00
vol. XXIX, Part 1, Korea (2000) $60.00
vol. XXIX, Part 2, Japan
vol. XXX, China (1998) $41.00
vol. XXXI, Central and South America; Mexico
vol. XXXII, Dominican Crisis; Cuba; Caribbean
vol. XXXIII, United Nations; Organization of Foreign Policy
vol. XXXIV, Energy Diplomacy and Global Issues (1999) $38.00

1969-1975, Richard M. Nixon
1969-1972 (titles may change)
vol. I, Vietnam, 1969
vol. II, Vietnam, 1970
vol. III, Vietnam, 1971
vol. IV, Vietnam, 1972
vol. V, Soviet Union
vol. VI, Soviet Union
vol. VII, National Security Policy
vol. VIII, Arms Control and Disarmament
vol. IX, Germany; Berlin
vol. X, European Security
vol. XI, Western Europe
vol. XII, Eastern Mediterranean; Eastern Europe
vol. XIII, Near East, 1969-1970
vol. XIV, Near East, 1971-1972
vol. XV, Arabia; Iran
vol. XVI, Africa
vol. XVII, South Asia
vol. XVIII, China
vol. XIX, Japan; Korea
vol. XX, Southeast Asia
vol. XXI, American Republics
vol. XXII, United Nations; Refugees; Terrorism; Narcotics
vol. XXIII, International Economic Policy
vol. XXIV, International Economic Policy
vol. XXV, Administration of Foreign Policy

[end of document]

Foreign Relations Series  |  Historian's Office  |  Department of State  |  Secretary of State