GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Climate Change, Variability and Prediction: Group Members

Research Area
Whit Anderson Ocean-Climate interactions, climate prediction, high resolution climate modeling.
You-Soon Chang
Thomas L. Delworth
(Group Leader)

Decadal climate variability, ocean-atmosphere interaction, climate change and detection.
Keith Dixon Climate change & variability, decadal predictability, science communications.
Riccardo Farneti
Role of the ocean in climate variability and change, energy transports, idealized coupled models.
Kirsten Findell
Hydroclimatology, land-atmosphere interactions, impacts of land use, floods and droughts.
C. Tony Gordon
Rich G. Gudgel
William J. Hurlin CM3 model development for AR5,  decadal predictability and sea level studies.
Thomas R. Knutson Hurricanes and Climate Change; Climate Change Modeling and Detection
Hyun-Chul Lee
Salil Mahajan
Torge Martin
P.C.D. Milly
Ronald Pacanowski High resolution ocean and climate sensitivity studies.
Anthony J. Rosati Predictability, variability and climate change.
Joseph J. Sirutis
William F. Stern
Gabriel Vecchi Climate variability and change. El Nino and monsoons. Hurricanes and climate.
Michael Winton Sea ice modeling; air-sea fluxes and their climatic effects; polar climate and climate change.
Andrew Wittenberg Tropical ocean/atmosphere interactions, ENSO, climate change, CGCM development.
Fanrong Zeng
Rong Zhang Ocean's role in paleo and modern climate change, coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions.
Shaoqing Zhang Ocean reanalysis and coupled initialization, decadal predictability, ENSO initialization and forecast.