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Near East Asia Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Middle East Peace Talks: Wye Summit
October 15 - 19, 1998

Key Document | Remarks | Press Statements | More Information

Key Document
10/23/98: The Wye River Memorandum: Interim Agreement

Remarks, Testimony, and Briefings
10/26/98: James Rubin, Daily Press Briefing Excerpt
10/23/98: Middle East Signing Ceremony
10/23/98: Secretary Albright, National Security Advisor Berger, and Special Middle East Coordinator Ross, Press Biefing, White House
10/22/98: James Rubin, Read-out to the Press, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/22/98: James Rubin, Press Briefing, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/21/98: James Rubin, Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/20/98: James Rubin, Telephone Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/20/98: James Rubin, Telephone Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/20/98: James Rubin, Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/20/98: Joe Lockhart, Excerpt from Press Biefing, White House
10/19/98: James Rubin, Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills
10/19/98: Joe Lockhart, Readout at Wye River Conference Center, Queenstown, Maryland
10/19/98: President Clinton, South Grounds, Upon Departure for Wye Conference Center
10/17/98: Joe Lockhart, Readout at University of Maryland Agriculture Research Center, Queenstown, Maryland
10/17/98: James Rubin, Assistant Secretary, Briefing Update at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, Maryland
10/16/98: James Rubin, Briefing on Middle East Talks
10/15/98: President Clinton, Beginning of Middle East Plenary Session
10/15/98: Chairman Arafat, at Stakeout at The North Portico
10/15/98: Prime Minister Netanyahu, at Stakeout at The North Portico
10/15/98: James Rubin, and Joe Lockhard, Press Briefing at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, Maryland
10/15/98: President Clinton, Opening Remarks for Peace Talks
10/14/98: James Rubin, White House Briefing with Senior Administrative Officials
10/13/98: James Rubin, Excerpt from Daily Press Briefing

Press Statements
10/19/98: Joint Statement on Behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chairman Arafat
10/13/98: Press Facility Near the Wye River Conference Centers

More Information
The Middle East Peace Process, 1998
The White House Briefing Room

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