Argonne National Laboratory Division of Educational Programs
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Argonne National Laboratory
Research Programs Application Form

    Please read this page before you continue!!!

    After you click the submit button to send the application, you will not be able to change any information.

    THEREFORE, prior to filling out an application electronically for the Student Research Participation Program, please examine the entire application carefully. As the application is extensive, you are encouraged to print the application from your Web browser, gather the necessary information and then fill the application out electronically. Browse the research projects catalog and obtain the ID number of at least six research projects that you are interested in. Other information requested on the application form includes grade point averages, college and universities attended, courses completed and grades achieved, and questions regarding pertinent skills and experience.

    As a reminder, you MUST be a U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident to apply for the Student Research Participation Program and/or Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship Program (SULI).

    Fill out the ANL application


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