Stable Beams Available from ATLAS

Updated August 16, 2004

Beam currents listed in the table were obtained with naturally occurring material for the given isotope.

Other isotopes available with currents proportional to their abundance. For more beam current isotopically enriched material may be used, but the User should, in general, contact the User Liaison or ATLAS Operations to check on the availability of enriched material.
b Indicates elements for which isotopically enriched material has been successfully used in the past.
c Allowed maximum radiation may limit beam current.
* The maximum energies in Area II are about 0.6 times these values.
Click here to see beam statistics from previous years

Iona Maximum
Energy (Mev)
for Areas III,IV*
Maximum Current
at Maximum Energy
Beam Current at
Energy of 6 MeV/u
7Li 110 100c 200c
10Bb,c 175 13 13
12Cb 200 1000c >1000c
14N 225 800c >1000c
16Ob 265 >1000c >1000c
19F 300 10 50
20Ne 320 1000 >1000c
24Mg 390 2 10
27Al 400 5 20
28Sib 430 100 >1000
32Sb 470 100 1000
35Cl 480 12 35
40Arb 540 1000 >1000
40Cab 540 200 >1000
48Tib 540 20 100
51V 570 0.5 2
52Cr 600 10 40
56Feb 680 10 50
59Co 680 10 50
58Nib 680 20 100
63Cu 680 20 100
64Zn 680 4 20
74Geb 760 2 10
80Se 760 2 10
79Br 875 2 10
84Krb 875 200 1000
90Zrb 875 1 5
98Mob 975 1.5 7
102Rub 1025 3 12
107Ag 1070 10 50
120Snb 1300 2 10
130Teb 1300 2 10
132Xeb 1300 4 20
133Csb 1300 10 50
180Hf 1620 2 10
197Au 1750 10 50
208Pbb 1800 20 100
209Bib 1800 10 50
238U 1925 4 20