Table A-3. Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and age

  HOUSEHOLD DATA                                                                                                           HOUSEHOLD DATA
  Table A-3.  Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and age

  (Numbers in thousands)
                                                   Not seasonally adjusted                      Seasonally adjusted (1)                  
         Employment status, sex, and age                                                                                                 
                                                   Mar.      Feb.      Mar.      Mar.      Nov.      Dec.      Jan.      Feb.      Mar.  
                                                   2008      2009      2009      2008      2008      2008      2009      2009      2009  
          HISPANIC OR LATINO ETHNICITY                                                                                                   
  Civilian noninstitutional population.........   31,820    32,501    32,585    31,820    32,558    32,649    32,417    32,501    32,585 
    Civilian labor force.......................   21,750    22,044    22,188    21,778    22,074    22,134    21,931    22,100    22,175 
        Participation rate.....................     68.4      67.8      68.1      68.4      67.8      67.8      67.7      68.0      68.1 
      Employed.................................   20,162    19,388    19,485    20,251    20,168    20,096    19,800    19,684    19,640 
        Employment-population ratio............     63.4      59.7      59.8      63.6      61.9      61.6      61.1      60.6      60.3 
      Unemployed...............................    1,588     2,657     2,703     1,527     1,906     2,038     2,132     2,416     2,536 
        Unemployment rate......................      7.3      12.1      12.2       7.0       8.6       9.2       9.7      10.9      11.4 
    Not in labor force.........................   10,071    10,457    10,397    10,042    10,484    10,515    10,486    10,401    10,410 
             Men, 20 years and over                                                                                                      
    Civilian labor force.......................   12,554    12,557    12,648     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Participation rate.....................     84.7      83.1      83.4     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Employed.................................   11,655    11,027    11,110     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Employment-population ratio............     78.6      72.9      73.3     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Unemployed...............................      899     1,530     1,538     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Unemployment rate......................      7.2      12.2      12.2     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
            Women, 20 years and over                                                                                                     
    Civilian labor force.......................    8,100     8,438     8,567     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Participation rate.....................     57.9      59.0      59.8     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Employed.................................    7,606     7,578     7,645     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Employment-population ratio............     54.4      53.0      53.3     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Unemployed...............................      494       860       922     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Unemployment rate......................      6.1      10.2      10.8     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
           Both sexes, 16 to 19 years                                                                                                    
    Civilian labor force.......................    1,096     1,050       974     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Participation rate.....................     36.5      34.0      31.4     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Employed.................................      900       782       731     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Employment-population ratio............     30.0      25.3      23.6     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
      Unemployed...............................      195       267       243     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   
        Unemployment rate......................     17.8      25.5      24.9     (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)       (2)   

   1 The population figures are not adjusted for seasonal variation; therefore, identical numbers appear in the unadjusted and
seasonally adjusted columns.
   2 Data not available.
   NOTE:  Persons whose ethnicity is identified as Hispanic or Latino may be of any race.  Updated population controls are introduced
annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: April 03, 2009