Argonne National Laboratory Decision and Information Sciences
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Training Course:
Application of the ASME Code to Radioactive Material Transportation Packaging

June 23-25, 2009

9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 460
Argonne, IL 60439

Registration fee for this course is $800 ($700 if registered before June 1, 2009). Checks should be made payable to Argonne National Laboratory (credit card accepted). The number of participants is limited to 30. Registration must be received by June 12, 2009. The participant list is subject to approval by DOE.

Please send registration fee to:

Judy Benigno
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave.
Bldg. 201, Rm. 1H-12
Argonne IL 60439
Phone: (630) 252-5586
Fax: (630) 252-5533
E-mail: E-mail Judy Benigno

Cancellation policy: A processing fee of $100 will be charged for cancellation until/on June 12, 2009. No refund will be issued after June 12, 2009.

Online Registration Intent Form

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