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Nuclear Engineering Division
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Laser Applications Lab
Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL)

Laser Oil & Gas Well Drilling

Project description: Using high-power lasers to drill for gas & oil.
Category: Project with industrial applications

A Partnership with Industry

Laser drillingLASER DRILLING may be the key to make previously uneconomic oil or gas deposits commercially attractive.

Argonne National Laboratory (Laser Applications Laboratory) and a group of collaborators are examining the feasibility of adapting high-power laser technology to drilling for gas and oil. The initial phase is designed to establish a scientific basis for developing a commercial laser drilling system and determine the level of gas industry interest in pursuing future research. If drilling with lasers ultimately proves viable, it could be the most radical change in drilling technology in the last century.

It was at the turn of the 20th century when rotary drilling supplanted cable tool drilling as the petroleum industry's standard method for reaching oil and gas formations. While major improvements have occurred since then, the basic mechanical drilling method has remained essentially the same.

Using lasers to bore a hole offers an entirely new approach. The novel drilling system would transfer light energy from lasers on the surface, down a borehole by a fiber optic bundle, to a series of lenses that would direct the laser light to the rock face.

Drilling 10 to 100 Times Faster

Researchers believe that state-of-the-art lasers have the potential to penetrate rock at 10 to 100 times faster than conventional boring technologies – a huge benefit in reducing the high costs of operating a drill rig.

Today, a typical land-based oil or gas well costs around $400,000 to drill, while costs for an offshore well average nearly $4.5 million. But in some deeper or more difficult drilling terrains, costs can be much higher. Reducing the time a drill rig remains on site can lower costs and make previously uneconomic gas or oil deposits commercially attractive.

The earlier study showed that laser systems now can provide more than enough power to cut rock. Because the laser head does not contact the rock, there is no need to stop drilling to replace a mechanical bit.

Moreover, researchers believe that lasers have the ability to melt the rock in a way that creates a ceramic sheath in the wellbore, eliminating the expense of buying and setting steel well casing. A laser system could also contain a variety of downhole sensors – including visual imaging systems – that could communicate with the surface through the fiber optic cabling.

Changing Conventional Wisdom

While the lure of laser drilling has been its speed, one major drawback has been the large amounts of energy experts assumed would be required. The 1997-99 Gas Research Institute study indicated, however, that conventional wisdom – much of it based on 20-year-old calculations – may have significantly overestimated the energy required to break, melt or vaporize rock.

One of the primary objectives of the new study will be to obtain much more precise measurements of the energy requirements needed to transmit light from surface lasers down a borehole with enough power to bore through rocks as much as 20,000 feet or more below the surface.

Another aspect of the study will be to determine if sending the laser light in sharp pulses, rather than as a continuous stream, could further increase the rate of rock penetration. Pulsed laser have been used for better performance in cutting steel, for example. It may be likely that the pulsing action will flex and break the physical bonds between the rock grains, boosting the cutting effectiveness.

A third aspect of the new project will be to determine if lasers can be used in the presence of drilling fluids. In most wells, thick fluids – called "drilling muds" – are injected into the borehole to wash out rock cuttings and keep water and other fluids from the underground formations from seeping into the well. The technical challenge will be to determine whether too much laser energy is expended to clear away the fluid where the drilling is occurring.

Later in the project, researchers could examine other ways to use lasers in oil and gas drilling. For example, after a well is drilled, perforations are created into the formation to start the flow of hydrocarbons. Part of the research effort will study ways lasers could be used to create these perforations.

So far, the federal government has contributed about $1M to the 3-year feasibility study. In the next 3-year phase, laser perforating, the federal government will contribute about $500,000 per year. Along with Argonne National Laboratory (Laser Applications Laboratory), the partners include Colorado School of Mines and Parker Geoscience Consulting. Several potential industrial partners have expressed interest.

Read about an interview with Dr. Claude Reed on the future of laser drilling for oil and gas:
"Beam Us Down, Scotty - Laser Drilling Research Advances"
Article from the AAPG EXPLORER (Dec. 12, 2003)

The documents labeled with the page in pdf format icon are in PDF format.
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  • Drilling Large Diameter Holes in Rocks Using Multiple Laser Beams (504)
    [page in pdf format  PDF (359KB)]
  • Rock Perforation by Pulsed ND:YAG Laser
    [page in pdf format  PDF (151KB)]
  • Laser Rock Drilling by A Super-Pulsed CO2 Laser Beam
    [page in pdf format  PDF (424KB)]
  • Application of High Powered Lasers to Perforated Completions
    [page in pdf format  PDF (1.2MB)]
  • Specific Energy for Pulsed Laser Rock Drilling
    [page in pdf format  PDF (511KB)]
  • StarWars Laser Technology Applied to Drilling and Completing Gas Wells
    [page in pdf format  PDF (866KB)]
  • Laser Spallation of Rocks for Oil Well Drilling
    [page in pdf format  PDF (201KB)]
  • Two-Dimensional Modeling of Laser Spallation Drilling of Rocks
    [page in pdf format  PDF (332KB)]
  • Lasers and Beam Delivery for Rock Drilling
    [page in pdf format  PDF (417KB)]

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Laser Rock Drilling on the History Channel

Laser Rock Drilling on the History Channel
Argonne's Laser Applications Lab and researcher Claude Reed (NE) appeared in the History Channel program "Modern Marvels: Drilling" (May 10, 2006).
[ View this video   00:03:35 (21 MB) ] or
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Laser rock perforation demo

Laser rock perforation demo
High power laser beam can be used in oil well completion application for perforating oil reservoir rock and increasing rock's permeability for high oil production rate. Spallation rock perforating by a rotating laser beam is shown in this movie.
[ View this video   00:00:36 (4.1 MB) ]


Laser rock drilling demo

Laser rock drilling demo
A high power pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam at Argonne's Laser Applications Lab is being shown in this movie to drill oil reservoir rock, a potential application in gas and oil well drilling for petroleum industry.
[ View this video   00:01:49 (12.1 MB) ]


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Dr. Claude B. Reed
Laser Applications & Robotics Initiatives Section
fax: +1-630-252-5287

ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on October 13, 2008 16:04 +0200