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[SAO/NASA ADS]   ADS Article Service

The following query pages provide access to articles that have been scanned by the ADS. If you want to access the fulltext of every article from a particular journal (including the recent electronic articles available from publisher's web sites), please use the Journal/Volume/Page Query Page.

Please note that all articles are copyrighted by the publisher of the article. They can only be downloaded for personal use. Any commercial use or large-scale downloading is prohibited. Please see the Conditions of Use for more details.

We would like to acknowledge the many people and organizations that have helped with this project by donating extra volumes and by giving the ADS permission to scan their copyrighted material.

o Scanned Journals Service
view and print scanned pages of journals digitized by ADS.

o Scanned Proceedings Service
view and print scanned pages of conference proceedings digitized by ADS.

o Scanned Bulletins and Observatory Publications Service
view and print scanned pages of Bulletins and Observatory Publications digitized by ADS.

The ADS is looking for donations of missing publications for scanning. If you can help, please let us know.